President Obama Wins


Now Im gonna get drunk and watch Blazing Saddles

68790cookie-checkPresident Obama Wins

President Obama Wins

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4 Responses

  1. I just took my morphine and will probably go to sleep for the night pretty quick.

    As for the Measure B vote being lopsided, I am not surprised. By this time next year porn will have moved lock, stock and barrel to San Francisco and Marin County. I know porn is legal in New Hampshire but I can’t imagine porn’s big wigs wanting to deal with their legendary snow storms. I also doubt that porn will move into Mike’s neck of the woods as the law isn’t solid in its allowance for the industry.

  2. Mike, you owe me one corded Mac keyboard. I had a mouth full of water when I read your Blazing Saddles comment. The sheriff is a ************! The sheriff is a ************! Buahahahahahaha. They don’t make movies like that anymore.

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