Pink Cross Wants You

[ I got this from Shelley Lubben and because i believe that we are far better off  co-operating and because I dont see Pink Cross as a threat to the industry, certainly not like Pornhub I have decided to run this.  I believe that if Pink Cross or anyone else provides an alternative for someone that doesn’t really want to be in the biz anyway then they are doing us a favor.  We have plenty of talent that wants to be here….All of that said….”

PinkCross-Sparkles-Transparent-WebWE WANT YOU! I know I know you’ve heard that a million times but seriously
WE WANT YOU to receive one of our Christmas boxes this year from Pink Cross.
We’re a group of ex porn stars and we really want to love on you this
Christmas. If you want a box from us please email [email protected]
or text me (Shelley) at 661-412-3881.  We plan on being in the Valley this
week so we can deliver OR we can mail it to you. Everything is confidential.
And the box is filled with really fun stuff and goodies. Merry Christmas and we love you!

114810cookie-checkPink Cross Wants You

Pink Cross Wants You

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13 Responses

  1. I agree with you mike. I don’t think Shelley is a threat to the industry. but, I do question whether she is actually helping these performers or not because some of the people she claims to have helped, like andi Anderson, have returned to the industry which makes Shelley lose some credibility. Is she really helping these people or what?

    than again…that might not be Shelley’s fault.. because performers return to the industry all the time after leaving that said they never would… and these performers didn’t align themselves with Shelley in any way.. so who knows…

    But, as an outsider, the thing that fascinates me the most is Michael Whiteacre’s obsession with this woman. not only has he been stalking her for years.. but the mere mention of Shelly’s name sends Whiteacre into a 10 page rant about her.. which is beyond creepy…

    Whiteacre’s actions are telling me that not only does he believe Shelley is influential but that there may be at least SOME truth to what she says.. that and the FACT that people like Whiteacre are known to vilify and demonize anyone who tells it like it is.. who state the truth about what really goes on in this industry… so… you be the judge..

  2. I’ve heard time and again the only “help” she gives them is a gift bag full of crap you get from the $.99 store, and then tells them to get a job, often time helping lead them to minimum wage work doing menial labor.

    WTF kind of “help” is that?

    Be honest, can you name one person she really helped? I can’t name a single person who hasn’t later came out and said they gave them no real help. What I have seen her do is lie, time and again. I have seen her make up STD facts. So is a liar someone we really want to support and side with?

  3. If any performer is feeling isolated and/or feeling disillusioned about what they hoped for vs what they found taking advantage of the resource offered might be what keeps them alive long enough to regret going back to a job they swore they left behind….for that reason alone it’s enough for me at applaud the info being posted.

  4. Whiteacre didn’t get to “hit it”. Shelly turned down
    littleman and he’s stalking her like a bitch fan boy.

  5. Actually you and I agree here a lot…Those are questions I have as well BUT you mentioned Andi Anderson I knew here way before porn and I ended up not shooting her because she clearly didn’t want to be in the biz.

    I also know that many performers assume charity to be a lifetime commitment and when offered help they simply choose not to help themselves as well, that is very similar to what I would expect from say…Andi. On the flip side I really don’t know but I do know this if someone is feeling outcast, lonely or whatever and this helps, Im all for it. Whether Pink Cross is good or bad is yet to be seen but I can guarantee you they haven’t done near the damage to this industry that Theo Sapoutzis has….and he is just a minor player in terms of damaging the industry.

  6. I dont know honestly Kelli, I will be the first to say that She seems to have helped Veronica Lake a lot (Im in contact with her) but as I stated above I think the people who want help cant find it, the people who want a handout will return as soon as the handout dries up.

  7. @mike: I agree with you Mike. And it’s interesting you saying how andi doesn’t really want to be in this industry and yet after going to Shelley and trashing the industry… SHE CAME BACK… now that would be because either Shelley didn’t help her or what I suspect and what you stated you can’t help those who won’t at least try to help themselves…

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