OK I Dont Get It

I am enjoying some beach time in Florida and on the ride down I started thinking about something.  At first it was just a random thought but it stuck because there is something about it that doesn’t make sense…AT ALL.

Now we all know are questionable but there’s one thing that bugs me and has for years, that “thing”

Now don’t just randomly dismiss this  because something doesn’t ass up doesn’t do anything yet I know for sure that The pays him for “services”, never mind that he is less useful than powdered water or a waterproof towel. He is still around.  Yet they are paying lawyer to do the stuff that is supposed to be doing, why is that?

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OK I Dont Get It

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31 Responses

  1. I think the FSC gravy trin is going to be ending soon for some folks. FSC has been pretty impotent on just about everything they are involved in except collecting their paychecks.

  2. During Senate Appropriations hearing noticed:
    Tynan introduced herself as FSC rep vs previous into as simply attorney.
    Duke added Novelty (company or group) can’t recall exact & not worth it to find it on tape.

    Kernes is quoting Mike Stabile as FSC spokesman in 8/14/14 article.

    Despite the lack of organization announcement …Since Kernes ought to know as longtime FSC Secretary..Congrats to Mike Stabile on expanding his role as spokesperson.

    Haven’t run across anything indicating changes in store for Jeff Douglas but it does seem FSC is making some adjustments.

  3. Maybe they are going to get rid of mark Kernes and
    bring in Michael”Asskisser” Whiteacre as FSC janitor
    and organization fluffer. Mark needs to Go!

  4. I hope Whiteacre can keep from assaulting the female employees and board members at the FSC if he is appointed to a position there. I hate to put that out there but he has three sets of criminal charges for violence, two of which was him assaulting his wife — completely uncalled for. The circumstances of the beer bottle incident are unclear, that alone would not worry me too much but when the domestic violence charges are added to the mix I would think twice about hiring him, maybe Christina started it both times (I don’t know) but I would need to know a lot more if I were hiring at the FSC and saw his recent rap sheet to even consider hiring him at this time. If he can keep out of trouble for 3-5 years his chance of being hired at such a job increase (I do think he would be an excellent lobbyist and CEO at the FSC other than his evident violent tendencies toward women).

  5. @Karmafan: What does the FSC exactly do? Suck ass and take your money and fuck the producers in the butt and allow piracy to prevail.
    Oh yeah, and call short breaks in shooting when there is a HIV outbreak.

  6. Matthew forget it! Michael Whiteacre is starting his own amateur porn company in downtown Las Vegas doing Male domination videos with his “wife” Christina pegging his in his tore up ass.
    He has 3 felony convictions and his a mentally Ill midget jew
    that will suck the nut sack of this industry to be relevant.
    Word is he is going to be better than Mike South. LOL…

  7. @mharris

    “The circumstances of the beer bottle incident are unclear, that alone would not worry me too much but when the domestic violence charges are added to the mix I would think twice about hiring him, maybe Christina started it both times (I don’t know)”

    Roflmao…let me get this straight….details are unclear = a pass
    Not to mention ignoring convictions going back over ten years and you STILL think SHE started it?

    “(I do think he would be an excellent lobbyist and CEO at the FSC other than his evident violent tendencies toward women).”

    Rainman is an excellent driver so why not have him Lobby?

  8. I explained why I would be leery of hiring him and you call it giving him a pass just because I think the beer bottle bit could be self-defense. I also said his assault of his wife was uncalled for. Where is the remark that leaves you ROFLMAO?

    As for thinking if he weren’t a person with violent tendencies he would be good as an industry rep I don’t see where he wouldn’t. The guy talks up the industry every chance he gets and is a smooth talker. That is what we need in Sacramento, IMO it is really too bad that he has had multiple violent incidents as of late. I know I would have trouble hiring someone of that character.

  9. I for one won’t be watching Whiteacre get fucked up the ass by his wife. That doesn’t turn me on one bit. I would rather watch Lorelei Lee get caned and whipped by Maitresse Madeline or James Mogul for Kink.com anyway.

  10. @mharris

    Did you miss the sarcasm behind the post proposing uncle peg to FSC board?

    “..I would have trouble hiring someone of that character.” Well that clears up where you stand on hiring convicted criminals. Your accolades of his pro-industry smooth talking seem to forget his inability to control himself isn’t limited to physical violence. Those psychotic hate filled twitter rants mean he can’t control his mouth either…big problem for a lobbyist.

    Maybe it’s me or a mainstream deal but those angry hate filled twitter rants = cray cray stay away 😉

  11. Way back when I accepted help from uncle pag and sean tompkins in taking out Donny Long I made a mistake, It wouldnt have been as easy or as quick but I could have done it without either of them and I should have. The stuff that really took him down came from my readers anyway an “anonymous” friend was really the most instrumental getting me the entire database of donnys site.

    At the time I needed help and took it where I could get it, I knew tompkins was the board moderator for several piracy sites (not tube sites think forums with links to file lockers) but I overlooked it because I needed the help.

    Whiteacre is the big mistake he is an egomaniac who thought he deserved more attention for the sites demise when the truth is he did very little, most of his help just consisted of antagoning donny using donnys own tactics. At the time I didn’t see it but there is no difference in the two people. Whiteacre is a sociopath as is donny, whiteacre stole every deploreable tactic that donny used and he uses them to this day against people he doesn’t like. Truth is Donny had one domestic violence charge whiteacre has made a lifetime of it with 3 this year and priors going back to 1999 or before..Whiteacre is exactly the kind of person that we in porn should run out on a rail.

    I suspect the karma train is due to pull into whiteacres station on Tues. and we will be rid of him for 6 months to a year, maybe longer.

  12. I also made a mistake participating in Whiteacre’s (and Thompkins’) site as much as I did. I assumed that since you were friendly with him that he was a decent guy. Don’t feel bad, I have made mistakes in someone’s character a couple of times on my own before with similar results. I will say that with his violent tendencies I would not hire him for any set I ran at this time. I believe in second chances but I also believe people have to earn them, especially when a person fucks up like Whiteacre did. If I could find someone that could talk smooth like he can and cares about the industry like he does (that I do believe to be true) without having to wonder if he is going to go off on female staff or talent on set or at the office and were in a position to do so I would hire him to reform the FSC as soon I could. Alas, with the current Whiteacre situation I would likely not hire him to clean up the splooge off of the set after all the girls go home. I suspect Whiteacre will be run out of the biz soon if he keeps beating and choking his wife (albeit not as severely as War Machine did to Christy Mack) and it won’t be industry people doing it — it will be the Clark County Circuit Court when they send him to jail or prison. He could also go to jail for perjury if he lied about his income on his application for a public defender, I still want to know how he gets to LA every month on so little money that he needed a public defender.

    BTW there was also an incident last year which Whiteacre wrote about on TRPWL where he was arrested for beating Christina as well, all charges were dropped after she “admitted” to making it up and he convinced the court that it was all a misunderstanding, making Christina out to be a mental case (the Christina being a mental case I do believe; I do now wonder whether he actually did hit her then, though — hindsight is usually 20/20 whereas foresight is not).

    As for accepting assistance in taking Donkey Long down from Whiteacre and Thompkins, sometimes you have to dance with the devil to benefit mankind. If their assistance was helpful in that case it was probably worth accepting it since Donkey was on the cusp of taking down the industry and everyone in it (my understanding is he had confidential info from Talent Testing that he was about to release when his site was taken down, if he had released that the biz would have had nowhere to turn for VD testing and verification to keep the biz safe which would have either shut it down for God knows how long or left talent working with easily forged private doctor’s tests, possibly making the Mr. Syphilis incident look like a blip on the radar).

  13. @mharris

    Gotta ask how you came to ‘understand’
    “Donkey was on the cusp of taking down the industry and everyone in it (my understanding is he had confidential info from Talent Testing that he was about to release when his site was taken down, if he had released that the biz would have had nowhere to turn for VD testing and verification to keep the biz safe which would have either shut it down for God knows how long or left talent working with easily forged private doctor’s tests, possibly making the Mr. Syphilis incident look like a blip on the radar).”

    Hopefully you didn’t risk your pension or life savings on anything related to the source of this farce.

  14. Problem is Ponrwikileaks is up and running and was shut down only for a short time. The AIM database was never hacked. The information was taken by someone who had access to a password.

  15. Yeah, me and Whiteacre have casefiles from AIM healthcare at his home in Henderson at the Apartment he has with his hooker wife.
    Stole them from the storage facility in Encino. All the info was on test
    and medical records and performer medical records. And thanks for a few active performer’s today too.

  16. As funny as your posts are, “YOU” do not have any AIM casefiles from the storage unit in Van Nuys. And it was ONE, still active performer, who assissted the Donkey in downloading the files.
    Of course the real question is, who has the indemnity agreements, and insurance policies that were in that storage locker?(dont ever ask a question you dont already know the answer to)

  17. No kidding Harris. You were on their board a lot and seen you a lot on
    PWL a lot too. What gives?


  18. That was my understanding as reported by a couple of sources, if I recall one of which was on TRPWL before Sean and Michael went rogue. That is why I said it was my understanding and not stating it as an ironclad fact.

  19. I have never posted on that piece of shit site Donny Long runs (t assume that is what you mean by “PWL”). Hop Sing also accused me of posting on PWL and I checked the site at that time, not finding any posts under my nickname (which I use for all sites that I comment on). Since evidently someone is claiming to be me under another nick I would be highly interested in knowing what the nick is so I can do a search and take a look for myself. As far as I know the only time I came up is in a couple of posts others made that showed that they were pissed at me for my activity here and at ADT, one of them even accused me of being a “fag” which I am not (it was reasonably clear that they were referring to homosexuality and not me being a cigarette or a bundle of sticks) — but I am only aware of that because my nickname showed up in the thread title and the search I did over there after posts such as yours saying that my name has been used there.

    Thank you Jamie for letting me know that someone is using my name at PWL. I look forward to your post with more information on this so I can investigate myself.

  20. I suspect that the posts under Sean Tompkins and Ari Bass on here are not actually these people, someone is attempting to get a rise out of us and/or playing a sick joke on us. Mike can check IPs if this needs verification.

  21. Also, I did not risk my money on that one, Lurking. I am a relatively conservative investor and I only gamble when I go to the casino (I usually limit myself to a couple hundred dollars when I go and only go once in a long while). However, I do believe that Donkey would have took down Talent Testing and any other testing company that would have replaced it if Donny had been left unchecked.

    As for Jilted’s comment that the leak was a single person inside the biz helping Donny, that is a possibility. I would gather that with both AIM and TT being integral to the biz at that time he/she would have had passwords for both databases (if I recall correctly at the time this went down TT had a similar database system as AIM, maybe a bit more secure but a producer or director would have had access to the information).

  22. @mharris

    Ever hear ‘consider the source’? In one breath you’re saying they went rogue in the next you’re trying to back up their claim.

    Sounds like someone was trying to show you how important and in the know they are with unfounded gossip. Trouble with unfounded gossip is that without factual evidence to back it up it’s just another fictional drama.

    This one doesn’t require an episode of myth busters or page on snopes.com …. if PWL had something that explosive and was holding it back for impact value, he would have used it as a PWL grand re opening vs slinking back quietly. PWL had nothing to lose and all the personal attacks would have just motivated him more to continue the mission.

  23. Anyone else spit their coffee out on that one?

    Wonder if it’s cruncklewitz (sp) lmao

  24. @Mharris,
    I dont deal in ‘possibilities’ And the TTS system was/is completely different than AIM, in that TTS has code numbers to verify individual tests. They do not give you access to every single performers test results in whole, each individual test,HIV/Gonn/Chlam etc has a specific code number to verify the result, absolutely nothing like the AIM system.

  25. @jilted

    Awww yer no fun….don’t you think iridescent flying unicorns and varied hued Martians are possible? Might wreck my day to learn purple and green Martians are imaginary.

  26. Nothing like letting a few facts ruin a good story. Sorry about that. Its just hilarious seeing these people with all their theories, and, I saw it reported on another site, and so on and so on when you know the actual detailed facts. But it is entertaining.
    Now I have to go feed my jackelope.

  27. @jilted

    Heard those jackelopes are parthenogenetic like water fleas….are you using a special feed to help her breed?

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