OK I Been Ranting About The Hospital And All That:

Sorry For The Lack Of Updates ( OK So Im Not Really…):

Truths is I haven’t been up to par of late, Im actually worse than I was 2 weeks ago but a visit to the DR and new MRIs showed nothing to be alarmed about, I prolly just overdid it at some point.

I tell you what though…going into this…I had no idea what I was in for, I had no idea my recovery would be so slow and so seriously painful. I aint whining though I live a charmed life and I am thankful for it.

OK I Been Ranting About The Hospital And All That:

I am not a fan of nationalized healthcare, I want to make that very clear, the government does nothing well, it does nothing that private industry doesnt do better. but by the same token I think we all know that healthcare is a concern in this country a big one.

What bothers me the most and the place where I see the biggest problem is with insurance. Here’s my big question why is it that for, well lets say me for example. I had my friend who is a big shot at a good sized local company to the numbers for me.

Im 49, non smoker, non drug user, non drinker. I have no history of mental illness, no diabetes no family traits for cancer etc.

With his company (as an employee) I can get a policy from a major provider that has the the following: an HMO 25.00 copay for regular doctors, 35.00 for specialists. 10 dollar prescription drug co-pay. 100% paid for emergencies, 10% copay for surgical proceedures etc till I have paid 2000.00 out of pocket. Also includes Dental and eye care.

As an employee the total cost for me is 210.00/month thats the cost of the insurance no matter who pays it, him me or split and thats what I pay if I left and COBRA kicked in.

Now for me to buy that same exact policy from the same exact company as an individual, costs me 790.00 a month and that does not include dental or eyecare

Why is that? That’s what is fucked up in this country and I think the future of healthcare is going to invove addressing this inequity’

John T Bone Calls ME A Snitch:

OK make no mistake about it, if I had proof that this walking lump of shit was shooting underage girls and boys, or that the performers posing with him on his blog are underage I would rat this cocksucker out to anyone who would listen.

I have had some pretty good indications that he is shooting underage performers, I have more that I have yet to go through but as of now he is only being accussed of it by others, lots of others. And lets face it, Bone isn’t exactly thought of as a stellar individual in this business, next to Rob Black he has probably fucked more people over than anyone, and he may even be ahead of Rob. Nobody would be surprised at any depth this individual would sink to in order to scam someone.

Which Brings Me To Houston Don:

OK Houston Don, I have enough morons in my life who claim to speak for me. Please don’t defend me, I don’t need it. When I wish to be defended by someone I will pick someone who isn’t a bed wetting sycophant of the ADT Crowd OK? Someone with at least half a brain and one full sized ball.

Vivid Sucks:

There I said it…Did anyone else bother to watch the dreadful Kim Kardashian Video? I mean damn could that be any worse? there was maybe ten minutes of core footage that was looped, inverted, looped and inverted and every other trick in the book to try to make it presentable in a full length format. Steve Hirsch commented on how clear and well shot the video is…if thats the case then the crap Vivid is turning out these days must REALLY be bad.

So what does Vivid do? They give Ray J a directing contract….good lord the man cant even hold a fucking camera. He makes Kid Vegas look like Orson Welles.

Supposedly there was golden shower footage in the original….. apparently Vivid left it out and Steve Hirch pissed all over his customers instead….

Redlight..please don’t let these incompetent assholes out bid you on anything else.

95570cookie-checkOK I Been Ranting About The Hospital And All That:

OK I Been Ranting About The Hospital And All That:

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