Odds N Ends

TJ got a shot across his bow yesterday, I have been doing quite a few of those lately.  A signal without unleashing the firepower that they know I have.

On another note I get a kick out of the lesser site that thinks he is E F Hutton….well E F Fuckup  if you were as smart as you think you’d have known that Stoya left APAC almost a month ago….moron…

Its an election year and out government has spend Billions of dollars of money that they took from you in order to carefully craft and propagate the message that there are only two viable parties.  They want you to believe that if you don’t vote for one of these two then you are wasting your vote. The choice comes down to two products, not unlike Pepsi and Coke.  The names are different but they are essentially the same product.

Your whole life you have been indoctrinated into believing what the government wants you to believe whether it is true or not,  You spent your 12 most formative years (more for some of you) in government schools being told you ive in a “Democracy” while every morning pledging allegiance to “The REPUBLIC” for which it stands”

You didn’t even know that “Under God” was not in the pledge of allegiance until congress added it in 1954  at the urging Of President Eisenhower as a response to a Supreme Court Ruling on school prayer.

It’s subversion and it has worked.  If you would like to put down the Kool Aid  I strongly suggest you look into the Libertarian Party.  if this country is ever going to be saved it will be Libertarian principles that save it.

Taken last week in Enon Ohio



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Odds N Ends

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5 Responses

  1. **********ATTENTION ALL INDUSTRY READERS****************
    ” Pyscho Michael Whiteacre is down in the southland after Driving all
    the way from his temporary home in Hernderson, Nevada and had made a terrorist threat towards a female? Fat? and drunken and is on his way to harm some female. Man you weapons and be ready!
    He may be armed with a broken bottle of Manaschevitz wine bottle and or a broken bottle of beer and “threatened” to slash somebody with it.

    This man has a extensive criminal history of Violence towards females and is not a “relevant” fixture to the Adult Industry. LAPD has been alerted and are keeping a watchout for him

    He also made a threat of “arson” and slashing and stabbing anybody else like potential witnesses around. Take the motherfucker out if necessary. Describe as a 5’5 150 lbs male, with possibly a beard and or clean shaven with a short black hair and wears second hand clothes from either Good Will or Las Vegas rescue Mission clothes hand out facilities. Used to have the street name “DevilMan” and now goes by the name ” Strap-on Man”.

    Subject may be armed and dangerous. Use extreme caution as necessary and if need be. Take the motherfucker out.
    All southland law enforcement have been alerted especially
    LAPD Stalker detectives.
    End of industry alert.

  2. **************** Update on the Ari Bass threat of Violence case************

    Mr Ari Scott Bass , age 46 years old, current resident of Henderson, Nv has been located and followed (tailed) He is currently on a computer and emailing certain people as of now.

    Update of his appearance. He wears a fake hair Toupee’ and its black in color and has to use Grecian to dye his beard and other facial hair.
    He also as of today been stalking the FSC offices in Canoga Park,ca
    He maybe walking with a slight limp due to extensive Anal protrusion with a artificial device up his rectum( Use caution) if necessary to
    “frisk” due to excessive leakage of bodily fluids.
    Over and Out!

  3. The pledge of Allegiance was our first introduction to the First Amendment in Kindergarten with age appropriate expansions year after year to understand why our classmate didn’t have to join this daily ritual. By Jr. high we knew her and her family very well and came to understand that she wasn’t a God Less heathen nor a communist or even a communist sympathizer as many would have us believe.

    Her family’s gift to her classmates was making us aware of how powerful a statement standing silently can be. Year after year she stood each day yet never once joined in. As we neared graduation she answered why she still showed up and stood vs opting to step outside as others started doing…her response…how can I expect you to respect my right to be silent if I protest your right to speak?

    Without set in stone curriculum this statement was explored in great depth by our history and social studies classes with respect to our anticipated right to vote including the right to not vote aka choose the lesser of two evils if our candidate didn’t make it onto the ballot.

    As 2014 moves along the top two tier are going to be ramping up ‘go vote’ once again building momentum for the next presidential election. Hopefully more grassroots will incorporate voting and ballot initiatives of ‘none of the above option’ to get a better picture of the huge grey area between red and blue beyond blaming voter ignorance, laziness and/or apathy.

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