Odds and Ends


I’m kinda half watching the Academy Awards last night and at the end I saw the people on stage with the dog.  I immediately thought if there is a god that dog will drop a deuce on that stage right now.  I guess I’m now an atheist. Which technically I guess makes me agnostic.

I’m walking about half the time without any assistance device (cane). But I have a lot of joint pain I go to the doctor today (Tue)  Will see what he says, at least I’m back riding, it’s a little painful but I’m not gonna let this shit own me.

I am in the process of writing a book (I know itsn’t everyone)  thing is I have a copy editor, I got a text from him today:

“I  have decided that trying to copy edit your work is a waste of time.  Fixing it will just rob it of it’s charm.

It’s like a beautiful girl with lopsided breasts.  You want to look away, but you can’t.

When translated into Standard English your work reads like stereo instructions.

I must say that after staying up til 4am working on our book last night. I am astonished. You are the reincarnation of Charles Bukowski.”

Now I must say, I have mixed emotions about these comments.  It is an honor for a well read man such as this to compare me to Bukowski, though I never knew Bukowski wrote stereo instructions.






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Odds and Ends

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One Response

  1. I am glad you are able to walk again and hope the pain disappears soon. I also hope that the dumbass stripper that caused this is demoted to dick sucking duty for the rest of her life. She certainly cannot afford to pay the medical expenses you have incurred so she should have to pay you back somehow and placing her on dick sucking duty sounds like a good fit as long as she is cute and willing to swallow it all!

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