Just Trying to Get This In Before the Rush….

I’ll be brief here. I just want to say how much I’ll miss this venue, and all of the great people who have commented here over the years, those from inside and outside the industry. I’ll miss reading my buddy Mike South’s garbled phrases and tortured syntax on a regular basis (not that I won’t hear from him, of course — I’ll text him and we’ll chat on a weekly basis and I will of course ignore his phone calls whenever he tries to reach me).

This page has been the conscience of the porn industry for way too many years now. People have come here to air their grievances, to expose the sharks and heartless individuals who sometimes populate the adult film world, to praise and promote and relax and just enjoy themselves.

MikeSouth.com may or may not remain, under whatever guise you might see when you direct your brower to this spot in 2017, but never forget this — the good works that the man, my good friend Mike South, did on behalf of the adult film industry and its performers, will endure and will be remembered.

And please join me in urging — no, in SHOUTING — to the people in charge at AVN… IT IS ABOUT GODDAMN TIME, DON’T YOU THINK? — PUT MIKE SOUTH IN THE HALL OF FAME!

Much love…

Tim Case

[Take care. Peace to all of you. Anyone who is interested, feel free to check out my blog at www.stretchyourbrains.com]


143660cookie-checkJust Trying to Get This In Before the Rush….

Just Trying to Get This In Before the Rush….

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3 Responses

  1. OK Mike – the question is: if anyone DID put you in a Hall of Fame…would you attend to accept?

  2. There was a time when being in the hall of fame would have been very meaningful to me. Currently it would depend on why I was being put in, if its just because I have been around for 25+ years and retired then no, If its because I am being recognized for my hard work and dedication to make an industry I love a better industry thyen I would be honored. Either way I would graciously accept, that speech is not the time or place for a political rant.

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