Hey Mike,
I have been reading you posts on Jules Jordan Video and Brazzers with great interest and after seeing the site you referenced I am sure that Brazzers does own pornhub, tube8, keezmovies and others. What a shame Jules would stoop so low.
As you know I am a byer for a video store and we stock a fair amount of JJV product and it does pretty well for us but now I have a bit of a dilemma because I just can’t support anyone that puts money in the pocket of these theives so I have decided to no longer stock any of Jules Jordan Video Product. I’m sure he won’t feel the difference but it will make me feel better because we are losing a lot of revenue to the tube sites.
Thanks for fighting the good fight man and you really should disconnect those links so they dont show up on search engine results, I know you get a lot of traffic and I understand you wanting to make a point but it probably does more harm than not at this point.
(yer right man, and did ya notice how many of those tube sites are owned by Brazzers, what a little douchebag Jules has turned out to be…..)
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