I’m Gonna Be Mayor! (From John Cornetta)

Dear Mike;

As the genius who recognized my genius I am making this first offer to you. Later this afternoon a reporter from the Johns Creek Herald will be contacting me for a story they are running on ” King of Porn -V- Evil Mayor ” as I like to call it… We shall know later today whether or not Mayor Bodkar has accepted my challenge. As a friend, and as someone who has a striking resemblance to the Mayor the good people of XXX land hereby ask you if you would go in to a holding pattern to become the ” Stand in Mayor of Johns Creek” for the day should his answer be no? Mike can us low life’s and people with ideas and thoughts that just aren’t mainstream count on you? If you accept know that even if you lose I shall pay the $1,000 fee the Mayor should have and I will request of you to act Mayoral at all times otherwise I am not so sure I would win. Your way too likable and your penis speaks for its self. Here is a picture of the mayor, post one up along side of you and imagine a haircut and suit and we shall have an answer around 4 or 5 pm EST.

Mike South (on the left)Mike Bodkar

Im the guy on the left with the hot sista , Mayor Bodkar is the jackass on the right, personally I don’t see the resemblance…wait I know…The ass on the left (that’d be the hot sista) is so good it’ll bring tears to your eyes, the ass on the right is just another political jackass.

I would be honored to act as though I were acting Mayor of John’s Creek for a day, I will get the pics up in a bit

John Cornetta

Anointed Genius by Mike South early October, 2007

Hey Mike I am expecting a full anointing service and ceremony from you ya know?

11000cookie-checkI’m Gonna Be Mayor! (From John Cornetta)

I’m Gonna Be Mayor! (From John Cornetta)

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