I Saw A Neurosurgeon Today

I Saw A Neurosurgeon Today:

He reviewed my MRIs and did some physical testing and then told me how lucky I am. Based on the images he saw he said I should have no bladder or bowel control and shouldnt be able to walk. The fact that I have as little trouble as I am is amazing.

I am scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor on 2/21, it’s delicate and major. He is presuming that it is attached to the spinal cord, I will be in the Operating room from 3 to 6 hours and in the hospital for 3 to 4 days.

I wont be allowed to do anything physical including work for one month and I should be completely recovered around early to mid May…In time to fish offshore.

Im confident in my doctor but never having been in the hospital even the thought of being put to sleep unnerves me a bit…OK a lot.

I will try to get ahead on content so that everything continues to go smoothly (and I can pay bills…) I will probably use the time in bed to redo the site in wordpress or something.

Anyway I had a lot of inquiries over the last week and I appreciate everyones concern and support, deeply so. Now you all know what I do…..

Me On The News

Its a funny assed piece…the lady from the Buckhead Homeowners association … her righteous indignation that porn is shot in HER hood is a riot…watch it!

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I Saw A Neurosurgeon Today

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