Dear Mike,

WordPress and Macs are not friends. No, I don’t want to go into code and put in breaks myself. And yes, I did have a worthwhile post but once it posted it lost all of the breaks and I wasn’t about to go back and redo it because it would be an awful lot of work and it’s so much easier to leave a blaring message on your board reminding you that things still aren’t working properly. xoxo,Kayden Kross 

24960cookie-checkDear Mike,

Dear Mike,

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One Response

  1. Apparently this is an ongoing problem with wordpress and MACs

    I googled it and found a suggestion to turn off the WYSIWYG editor, which I did for you, I also saw several comments that using Firefox as your browser will alleviate the problem.

    I am sure you will let me know if the fix didnt fix it.

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