Gay Porn, the porn no one admits to watching

It must be lonely on the shelves for the other titles, jealous of the gay porn finding a home. Straining to make eye contact, crestfallen when the buyer walks past, gay porn gets purchased. Sniffling, muttering about how they should have done their own make up, how it’s off the 4 hour compilation. Worse still, the multi pack.

Even in porn the stigma lives. Labels, judgment, denial, anonymity, until a couple of 24 oz Budweiser’s and it’s Katie bar the arcade door. Does anyone care if the men having sex on the straight-guys-doing-it titles are, by the very act, are NOT straight? No, of course not.

Fisting?! I thought you said fishing!

Oh. Oh, my…

Regardless of your thyroid, if you’re putting a ball through a hoop, it’s basketball. And if you enjoy it, do it again. But I don’t believe the great unwashed porn consumer never watches it. Or is repulsed by it. Not for a second. It’s where all the pretty men are.

Except for me, of course. Why I would NEVER…

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Gay Porn, the porn no one admits to watching

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