Does festival entry break child porn laws

Does festival entry break child porn laws? (From The Salt Lake Tribune)

The Catholic League is asking the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate whether the makers of the controversial 2007 Sundance Film Festival entry “Hounddog” – in which a character played by 12-year-old actress Dakota Fanning is raped – violated federal child-pornography laws.
“It matters not a whit whether Fanning’s mother, along with Fanning’s teacher/child welfare worker, gave their consent,” said Catholic League President William Donohue in a statement. “What matters is whether they are an accessory to a crime.”
Donohue has asked Andrew Oosterbaan, who runs the Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, to investigate.
He also has sent a letter to first lady Laura Bush requesting her help.
Donohue, a familiar conservative face among cable news pundits and who led the protest against Kevin Smith’s Catholic satire “Dogma,” has not seen the film. Neither have the festivalgoers in Park City, as the movie does not debut until Monday night.
At issue is a scene in which Fanning’s character, an Elvis-loving Southern child in the 1950s, is raped by an older boy.
The scene brought protests when the movie was being filmed in Wilmington, N.C., last summer – though, according to The New York Times, a Wilmington prosecutor saw a cut of the film and decided no child-pornography laws were broken and Kampmeier treated

Fanning “more than appropriately.”
“I have to say I have started to feel very sorry for these people who are out to silence this,” the film’s writer-director, Deborah Kampmeier, told the Los Angeles Times.
“These are really wounded people, just like the characters in the film.”

The 800 Lb Gorilla Has Been Down Since Sat

Word I get is theres a site redesign coming.

Its Party Time…Vegas Style:

As to the adult expo parties, once again Adam and Eve takes home the gold. points off for nothing to eat but it was still the classiest one in Vegas with an exclusive invite list, an open bar and a laid back environment where you could mingle and hear each other. No hassles at the door and Bob Christian may be the classiest guy in porn, he greats every attendee and he genuinely makes you feel welcome.

Ok now for the not so good. Here is my advice to you, avoid ANY party held at Tao. The club gets absolutely DRUNK with authority, I had press credentials and wasnt allowed in for the AEE kick off party, even though I was on the press list.

Next was Teras Fashion show, The magazine I was shooting for was a sponsor and I again had full blown press credentials and the would let me past the red carpet area. Fuck them, fuck any party at Tao.

Back to the good. It was a cold ass night on Friday night when we went to the Players Ball, the XFanz party, Dusty, the PR person from XFanz got us right in because she was doing what she should be doing standing there making sure there were no problems. BRAVO to Dusty, you rate right up there with Bob Christian when it comes to throwing a smoothly run party. And get this Dusty told the door guys…Its cold and I dont want ANY of my guests waiting outside. DAMN!

The Xfanz party was a winner despite the rapper guy Too Short, did I mention I hate rap? LOL

Stormy Daniels Party was packed, probably the single most packed party we attended, There was loud music, a dance floor and Mike Moz stood at the door making sure his invited guests had no issues, way to go Moz this is a trend that needs to happen at Tao.

As usual though the crowd at the circle bar tends to be the best place to go, anytime and just chill.

Tim and Fifi…we missed y’all man.

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Does festival entry break child porn laws

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