But First Some Humor


I Will Be Writing About Adult Expo, The AVN Awards and Much More In The Days To Come

But First Some Humor….

Here’s a Photo Of Kurt Lockwood Having Sex With Someone He Really Loves!


And This One Warms My Heart…I Love These People:

Codger Bang

More On Adult Expo:

As usual Wicked had a huge booth and the lines on day one for Stormy’s autograph were quite long. This didn’t make Mr. Jessica Drakes wife happy so things were quickly re-arranged so that in order to get Stormy’s autograph you had to get every single Wicked girl’s autograph FIRST then they could get Stormys.

Two companies really stand out to me in the PR Department. One is Digital Playground. People always ask me why I write about them so much, well the reason is simple. They make themselves available to me, they work with me and make sure that I get everything I need and they have been doing this for years. I was given immediate access to anyone I needed/wanted and A-dell makes sure I am happy with what I got.

The other is Adam and Eve, Katy Z and Bob C. are always attentive to whatever I may need, they are nice and whether they agree or not they always listen to my thoughts and ideas, they always offer myself and my friends a seat in their booth and they always make me feel welcome. They give me whatever access I need to their contract girls and make sure I have what I need to get my job done.

Contrast this with Evil Angel. I snagged Mia Rose for a quick lunch/interview for the article I am writing for A major magazine. Mia had no time for lunch but I convinced her to let me take her anyway, figuring the exposure in the article would be worth it and Mia was hungry. She had said a lot of nice things about Evil in particular and that was pretty much the focus of the interview, I figured hey it’s the least I can do. When Mia called and told Karen we were doing lunch and a quick interview and that she needed 30 mins she was told if she wasn’t in the booth in five minutes she would be fired. Needless to say I will say nice things about Mia, who is a total doll. As for Evil Angel…as Borat would say “Not so much” or as Mike South will say….Nothing

The wider aisles I mentioned yesterday were a welcome change even if it was to make the show look as large as previous years. Now could we please get a rule that bars music in booths. I got news for you wanna be loser DJ mother fuckers who think the world should hear your weak as ghetto/jive/rap whatever…WE DONT. AVN PLEASE put a stop to this before someone really does go gangsta on these punk asses.

Also whoever (whomever) was the genius that came up with the idea to make exhibitors/press etc wear those fucking armbands 24/7 for four straight days in addition to the badge itself…FIRE THAT IDIOT NOW! There are better ways to insure that people dont trade/sell/whatever badges, hell yours didnt even work. If you need me to tell you how contact me.

The Trade show itself has morphed into something else, its really no longer a trade show but a consumer show, more hours are dedicated to allowing the public in than anything else and that makes sense, they pay 75.00 per person, per day for access. AEE and AVN make BIG bucks on that, not to mention selling the booth space at premium dollars so that exhibitors can provide the reason for the fans to show up…talk about selling ice to eskimoes…this is capitalism at its finest and purest.

One thing about this does concern me and has for years and that is everyones safety. There are many times more attendees at this show than at the superbowl for example. and outside the few companies who provide bodyguards for their girls there is NO security. Even those afrementioned bodyguards would not be able to stop a weapon wielding idiot intent on doing harm to someone or to a LOT of someones. Bringing a machine gun or heaven forbid a bomb into that show for example would be as easy as bringing in a pocket knife, there is nothing in place to deter either.

And what other entertainment industry gives the general population such close access to it’s performers? It is a testament to our fans that we are able to do this but over the years I have noticed the fans getting more and more disrespectful. And what if our enemies figured all this out?

I would be happy to DONATE my time and efforts to helping solve this potential problem.

94450cookie-checkBut First Some Humor

But First Some Humor

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Mike South

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