Are Ya Fucking Kidding Me?


I just got done watching Nightline and my head is on fire.  They had a segment on mommies who have become addicted to their kids ADHD meds.  Specifically Adderall.  They went on about how addictive it is, how its really an amphetamine.  Once mother of the fucking year told how she started using meth when she couldn’t get Adderall, and how they are addicts and blah blah blah.


Not ONE of these fucking morons actually said hey, maybe it’s not such a good idea to give this stuff to CHILDREN.


Good GOD people grow a fucking brain will ya?


Ok rant over….

62090cookie-checkAre Ya Fucking Kidding Me?

Are Ya Fucking Kidding Me?

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5 Responses

  1. Between all the meds and vaccines they give children these days, it is no wonder there is a 70%+ increase in autism.

    20 years from now, it will be widely known that all of this crap is incredibly harmful. Remember, doctors used to tell expecting mothers is was OK to smoke and have a little alcohol while pregnant. The fact of the matter is, no one knows anything about the long term effects of any of this stuff until it’s too late.

  2. I’ve seen some pretty remarkable results with ADHD, Autism and similar afflictions in children simply by changes in diet. Gluten free for example. Most doctors are way too eager to use meds as a solution. There’s no money in the alternative treatment, even though it’s often more effective.

  3. Grow a fucking brain. Like that’s gonna happen. This is America, pal: home of the Tea Baggers and land of the not-anywhere-as-free as way too many people think they are.

  4. I have Attention Deficit Disorder. When I was a child, I was given medication for a couple of days. According to my Mother, my hyperactivity increased in a extreme way and I had diarrhea, etc.. The doctor recommended that I keep using it, he thought my body would adjust to it. The son of a friend of mine takes medication for ADD but he takes half the recommended amount. My friend says the drug works in helping his son focus in school. For me, chocalate makes me both high and relaxed. Teagan Presley says that smoking marijuana helps her with ADD.

    Drew Pinsky is critical of people smoking marijuana and yet he is a big advocate of people taking medication for depression. A question for DWB, how do you feel about anti-depression drugs? Linda Hamilton, the Terminator actress who has manic-depression, says it would take her 8 hours of exercise a day to have the same effect as medication for manic-depression. Michael Savage is currently blaming Epilepsy medication for Justice John Roberts’s decision on Obamacare.

  5. I think that drugs should certainly be a last resort, specially for children and I’m not so sure there is EVER a case for something like Adderall being the answer…if a single dose does that to mommy imagine what it does to someone 1/4 her size whose brain is undeveloped.

    I think back to when I was a kid, I was not unlike Calvin from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, except that I made straight A’s. I daydreamed a lot, my attention span wasn’t very long, and I even took a .22 rifle to school IN SECOND GRADE. I hunted every day almost.

    Can you imagine what they would do with me now? These days I would be as evil as Charlie Manson just for bringing a rifle to school, back then it was no big deal. I would be drugged to the point that by the time I reached anywhere near puberty I would be a life long addict.

    I just don’t think this is the right way for a society that is supposedly as advanced as ours is to deal with childhood energy, curiosity and anxiety. We tell them drugs are bad and then we dose them with prescription Cocaine and or Methamphetamine because they are doing what kids do naturally.

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