And Now A Break From Fabian, For A Minute… Stuart from Smash Come On Down


Lia LorThere are people in this biz who have a long history of somewhat sketchy behavior.  I generally give them the benefit of the doubt, specially when the accuser won’t go on record. But Lia wanted to go on record on this.  I checked it with Derek at LA Direct, her agent, and per him her account is correct. He even backed it up with emals between Stuart and himself.  I also checked around on Lia and couldn’t find anyone who said that she has ever been unprofessional in any job capacity.

Here is the synopsis and the timeline.

Stuart Wall at Smash Pictures fires Lia Lor from working the AVN Show because she will not respond to his direct tweets and E-mails.

Aug, 2012 Stuart hires Lia from Direct Models for signing at AVN 2013

Oct 2012 Stuart asks Derek if Lia “really wants to work for Smash”. Derek asks Lia this question, to which she replies absolutely and is very excited to work for Smash at AVN just as she said she was back in August when first hired.

Lia goes on to say ­ Stuart won’t stop tweeting her and requesting that she contact him directly. She doesn’t want to do that, and knows that this is not the correct way to do business anyway, Stuart should be coordinating everything through Derek.

Lia agrees to “retweet” Smash tweets about AVN but not to reply to Stuart’s direct messages or requests to contact him personally (as she knows Stuarts “rep”).
Derek informs Stuart of this. Stuart agrees this is fine.

Sunday Dec 9th ­ Stuart E-mails Derek stating Lia is fired from Smash and he has cancelled her flight and hotel because she won’t reply to his assistants (Eliza) calls or E-mails.

Lia retweets the promo stuff that she is supposed to but Stuart is being a pest and still trying to contact her directly.

Clearly he has fired her because of not responding to him and not the asst. Lia states the asst Eliza has never contacted or attempted to contact her.
Stuart of course is not supposed to be contacting the models directly ­ and agreed to this back in Oct.

Stuart makes up a story that Lia isn’t responding to the assistant – when he means himself and cancels Lia from the AVN show on Dec 9th.

Now it appears to me that this is clearly a retaliatory move and an abuse of his position. I see no indication in the emails or in her twitter  that Lia was anything other than professional and that Derek handled things as he should have as well.  Waiting to this late date to contact Lia was a move that Stuart knew would prevent her from signing AEE, something she is very excited about because this is her first year in the biz.

[Since I started on this story I contacted Porno Dan he has stepped up and is bringing Lia to sign for Immoral Productions, I think at this point it will end well for everyone involved except Smash.  Kudos to Porno Dan and to Derek and Lia for all working together to make this happen it’s a win for you guys.]

Come on Stuart you are better than this kind of petty bullshit…if this was the first or even the fifth time I have heard this kind of thing I’d have been more skeptical. But it seems to be a recurring theme, let’s get in check.

69900cookie-checkAnd Now A Break From Fabian, For A Minute… Stuart from Smash Come On Down

And Now A Break From Fabian, For A Minute… Stuart from Smash Come On Down

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10 Responses

  1. Isn’t Stuart getting sued by Universal for shooting and producing 50 shades of Grey to the exact image of the film realease? Must be all the “tension” and stress from the lawsuit.

  2. People should all just boycott his booth and his bullshit. Its getting harder and harder for these little thugz to get away with unprofesional business practices. Was he trying to nail her and figured she would be an easy conquest?

  3. Stuart is known for picking only the girls that fuck him to get on his crappy plagiarized movies, Hes as slimy as they come and no one likes him in this industry. Agents should avoid sending their talent to scumbags like Stuart well that’s just my opinion and many others in the industry….. Were better off without scum like him.

  4. I have personally encountered Stuart Wall’s harassment and bullying. He has abused his power and sends harassing and threatening emails to people either through his personal or work email even if they have no direct contact with him. He has done this to both male and females whether they have been in his life or those who are associated with people in his life. Maybe he was bullied in school as a kid and now bullies people to make up for his childhood. The Universal lawsuit couldn’t of happened to a better person.

  5. For some in porn indusrty can file this pond scum learning that good old days of doing this kind stuff in porn indusrty come to end as being accept behavior.

  6. @richard: This is Stuart’s typical behavior. As long as he has his position, he will use and abuse it. He’s not the first nor the last to do so and that goes for any line of work.

  7. There needs to be an official DO NOT WORK WITH list and any sneaky motherfucker like this guy goes on this list so everyone can avoid working for this guy.

  8. Such a list would be nice, but we all know that for every slimy mofo on the list there’s a hundred others that would still deal with any of them just to make a buck. There is next to zero loyalty in this biz, except to the money.

  9. justaresident here issue with is this kind typical behavior in porn indusrty. This is typical behavior makes easyer for people want see porn gone from world make strong case for that use this kind typical behavior. Shelle Lubben who not fan of use examples of this type of so called typical behavior for supporting here efforts against porn indusrty. Easy example show that porn indusrty does not only care enough safe gaurd self from sexual disease now promoto sexual harassment excpecting this as typical behavior . What porn indusrty gone learn hard way what used be tolerate typical behavior back in days was in closet not excpect or tolerate in day age where computers web sites porn gosp site can report on that behavior. Porn indusrty need one more major black eye find self in goverment spot lite that would love come in start regulate ever aspect of it. If porn indusrty does start getting control of these kind matter that what gone happen been proven La way thing are going that can happen nation wide. Why should porn indusrty give those hate want gone give those people any more free gift to do so??

  10. @karmafan: as long as Stuart has his job, he will do what he pleases. He bullies, harasses and intimidates people if they have anything to do with him or people who are in his life. In addition, he hides behind his multiple email accounts and doesn’t do his bullying or harassment in person or phone for obvious reasons.

    @richard: I don’t want to see porn gone. My post is to solely say Stuart is a bully, harasser and uses intimidation tactics. I know this aspect first hand as it happened to me. I did vote no on measure B too.

    All in all, Stuart I hear has a rep for being inappropriate with female talent. He also spends his “work” time writing harassing, bullying and threatening emails to people. His boss needs to keep him more busy.

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