An 18 Year Old Votes

My sister texted me from class this afternoon while I sat bored on set (my first mainstream set, more boring even than 24 hour porn features). She was complaining that her 83 year old human sexuality teacher was taking the fun out of the course. I offered to guest speak. We found this amusing. Then she used the word “yay” in conjunction with “I get to vote tomorrow.” Yay. She turned 18 in August.

 So I probed. I don’t really care who she votes for. It’s obvious who is going to take this state so I’m not worried about the fall out of this particular voter. I just want to know why. She says she’s voting for Obama. Considering the demographic she falls into that makes complete sense. I asked why. She said it was because she felt bad for him because mom was bad mouthing him. My mother is extremely religious. She is one of those who have seriously given thought to the possibility that he might be the antichrist because he’s in his forties and of muslim decent. As if there weren’t hundreds of millions of middle aged men of Muslim descent. As if there were an antichrist. My mom is prone to drama.

 So I told my sister that you can’t vote out of pity. You need to vote based on the issues but congratulations for using better judgement than the religious folk thus far. If Obama is the antichrist our votes aren’t going to stop a 2,000 year old prophecy backed by the devil anyway. So I asked again. What about Obama makes you think he should be the next leader of the free world? Her answer:

“Because Palin is the bane of my existence.”

I accepted that.

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An 18 Year Old Votes

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