About That AVN Comp

After digging around and coming up with someone who had a copy, it seems that only one studio did NOT give permission for their scenes to be used and the scenes weren’t used, despite the misleading box copy.

The rest of the studios did give AVN permission to use their scenes in this comp, though they didn’t know that it was Cezar Capone who was doing the comp and cashing in on it, though I’m sure AVN got their cut.

This wouldn’t have been the first time that AVN has run afoul of copyright laws. 2009 Evil Angel / Belladonna produced a dance number for the show and were told NOT to use a specific song because the rights hadn’t been secured, but it was used anyway and it reportedly cost AVN 60K to fix it.

It’s unclear whether the rights were procured for the version that Showtime ran, word is that one slipped by.

But here’s the kicker, why would any atudio allow their scenes to be used, in entirety, with no compensation?  This is EXACTLY why this business is now in the toilet, nobody placed any value on their product. Why would the buying public place any value on your product when you don’t?

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About That AVN Comp

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