A Reader Writes About .XXX and Alec Helmy

Why is no one writing about the fact that Alec Helmy let Stewart Lawley join xbiz.net and use the “Industry-Only Network” in order to promote .xxx? Lawley is “answering questions” (See “The Man Who Would be the .xxx King) on an XBiz Industry-only network even though, several years ago, he went to an XBiz show and proudly proclaimed that he is not part of the industry.

I can tell you why. It is simply because in reality Alec Helmy supports .xxx. He supported it early on and he still does, no matter what he might say to the contrary his actions speak much louder than his words.

Helmy and I had words one afternoon years ago when .xxx was coming to a head and it wasn’t pretty. I had him screaming at me on my cell phone, I was highly amused. He was VERY pro .xxx

You see Helmy’s organization ASACP is getting $8.00 for every domain that Staurt Lawley sells.

A bribe?

I say if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck.

Did Helmy and XBiz sell us out….You be the judge of that.

39220cookie-checkA Reader Writes About .XXX and Alec Helmy

A Reader Writes About .XXX and Alec Helmy

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