A New Contributor Brian In Powder Springs

When this guy writes me he does it well so I decided to give him the ability to post updates here should he choose to.

His email to me yesterday talked about the Formula One Guy that got popped over the NAZI Orgy.

Well, now, what have we here?

How come no on get’s hard for the Imperial Japanese Army? Pol Pot? Stalin? There’s no Stalin-sex dressy-uppy schtick, is there?

Care to name any other despots? Any OTHER Mass Murderers on a global scale?

How ’bout Klan Sex chic? Anyone? Anyone?

But somehow we’ve managed to accept quasi Nazi themes with crappy nylons as a turn on for some dumb schmuck, some dumb schmuck with a pot load of power, and you KNOW that F1 scene drips mega cash, international mega cash.

Nazis aren’t funny. And they’re not sexy either. Fuckin wierdo.

Thanks Hogan’s Heroes.

Brian in Powder Springs “

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A New Contributor Brian In Powder Springs

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