A Male Performer Tests Positive for Hep C

Twitter started lighting up tonight about a male performer testing positive for Hep C  I dont have much info at the moment but Lisa Ann has been tweeting about it and claims that she has verification that he is with L.A. Direct.

I expect this to be handled as well By L.A. Direct as the last one was (Thats very well for the record) and theres lots more coming on that one but this one isnt related at all.

Apparently Lisa Ann was booked to work with him this weekend and when she called to verify his status it was listed as “UNAVAILABLE”

Not sure how he got booked if he failed a HEP C test but Im sure it will come out

Meanwhile KUDOS to Lisa Ann for being diligent and for alerting everyone, this biz works best when performers look out for each other.

It appears that this performer has been hiding his status and continuing to work for six weeks, as soon as I verify who it is I WILL OUT HIM!


More as this develops.

79860cookie-checkA Male Performer Tests Positive for Hep C

A Male Performer Tests Positive for Hep C

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10 Responses

  1. Based on Lisa Ann’s description and the fact that male talent fitting her description more or less where she said was listed as unavailable, yes, it was easy to figure out. You need more talent of Lisa Ann’s stature to speak out.

  2. The Hep C bomb is finally starting to drop. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
    Hep C testing is also very complicated. Just because someone tests postive ont he initial screen does not mean that they have an active case of Hep C. Like syphilis, the first test is a basic screen, then there is ALOT of follow up testing before someone is diagnosed as having Hep C, including liver function tests, PCR tests, and even a liver biopsy.

    I was exposed to Hep C many years ago. Evidenttly my body fought off the infection naturally and I never developed an acute Hep C infection, but to this day I will test positive on the antibody screening test. On this particular case lets not jump the gun yet, there will have to be ALOT of confirmation testing done, which could take weeks.

    But rest assured, there are performers with acute Hepatitis C, who have been performing for years without notifying their partners. And Hep C is one of the OSHA required tests after exposure to OPIM.

  3. Gooly Gee Weez;
    If it ain’t one fucking thing in that piece of shit,cocksucker laden Industry it’s another. Next week…HIV…and its all about me! Business and fuck all of you. Got to get mine and that’s the way it is.
    Have to look at it this way. You have the LATATA banner on this site
    and you think they REALLY give a flying fuck for the last 6 WEEKS
    that ALEX GONZ had Hep c. and didn’t tell Derek Gay Hay?

    Fuck No Derek knew and Booked him for shoots and gay for pay work and ESCORTING. Now watch the Lawsuits pile up and
    Mr Gay Hay go running and lawyering up with the shittiest
    Porn attorney’s around(probably Suck cock Fattrosi).
    They will continue to exposing the TALENT to more, more situations
    and they’re is another BIG one about to happen in a few days…

  4. By the way…Major Kudos to Lisa Ann.
    She doesn’t take know SHIT from Agents, Producers, and Vivid Bi-sexual Pedophile Directors. Just keep her HAPPY and she won’t
    fuck up your equipment and your camera and lights on the set….
    Kick out some headlights too I heard. Very Gutsy Lady!
    That’s for sure…

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