A bit of a delayed response from David Aaron clark:

Hey there Mr. South,

I not so much “worked for” Joe Christ as collaborated, hung out with him, and generally had a really fucking good time. That was back when I was in an environment with fellow “shock artists” and pornographers-with-vision who weren’t in it just for the SUVs and ho-change, but because what we did was not only jolly good fun but a blow against the empire.

Joe might not have been the most accomplished underground filmmaker on earth, but he was enthusiastic, positive (despite his usually gim subject matters) and as unpretentious as hell. You’re absolutely right; though Joe would certainly appreciate the level of P.T. Barnum bullshit hype conjured up by Robert Black and imitators and toadies that shall remain unworthy of being named, Joe didn’t only talk the talk, he walked the walk.

Haven’t spoken to him or his extremely talented and successful wife, horror gene writer Nancy Collins, in years, but all my memories of them are fond. I knew that tattoo (in the pic) looked familiar …


5320cookie-checkA bit of a delayed response from David Aaron clark:

A bit of a delayed response from David Aaron clark:

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