Monica Interviews: 1 – 6

Monica Foster is a woman. I don’t say this as an insult to other females, it’s just that when you meet a woman, you know it.

She entered the adult industry at the age of twenty-nine, she is thoughtful, considers very carefully everything she says before she says it, speaks very well when she does say something, she is multi-talented in a wonderful and overwhelming and intimidating way, and she is not only beautiful, she is graceful and well kept. She was my first interview for the documentary and the doorway to a theory I am developing about adult stars as “Geek Goddesses”. Monica Foster is definitely a Geek Goddess!

Among talents that range from wrestler to fax repair technician (I don’t know why I am so absolutely in awe of that since it’s probably just a matter of plastic parts and simple coordinates… but it’s still so cool!!!), she takes her own pictures, shoots her own videos and web cam shows, edits her videos, is a website developer, and still finds the time to explore her own personality deeply and seriously through blog posts and tutorials. I had a lot of fun doing my research because there was just so much to discover! Every link leads to another series of mazes, every page is a layer of skin that reveals interlaced cells structured to highlight a woman who is at once sexy, playful, motherly and dominating. She is a demurely packaged matrix of sight and sound, as complicated and comprehensive as her cyberspace castle, and just as fun to walk through in conversation about what is (fortunately) past, what is magical about the present and what is to come. I had a great time with her on both days and if she can’t make dinner this week, I will be absolutely and utterly destroyed! 🙂

I’m adding this after the post has been published because a very wonderful filmmaker/photographer friend of mine had some questions because of the way the shots are centered (or rather, not centered) and lighting, etc…

If the lighting and bumpy photography is a little distracting, please remember that this is being shot for a documentary. My filmmaker friend has shot many documentaries and I know he knows what he’s doing, so I have to make do with the footage we get. This is going to be very cut up in the final product. Also, and this is very important, you have to check out the outro at the very end of the interview. It is super cool and it is ‘cartoon me’ flying through space and bustin’ up letters and shit! Word…

Now for Monica Foster…

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35210cookie-checkMonica Interviews: 1 – 6

Monica Interviews: 1 – 6

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6 Responses

  1. Good job, the only thing I would fix is the interviewee has to be miced or have a mic facing them. It was hard to hear her at some points and that was with the volume on my laptop all the up. Sound is 60 percent of the video experience. I wish you the best of luck on your project. 🙂

  2. Oh yeah… Her shirt was tricky to mic, and I forget that not everybody listens to audio through their computer without headphones on. She’s really soft spoken, too. Thank you, Tony!

  3. if you have two channels another option would be using a shotgun mic pointed at that person then you dont have worry about attaching mics to clothing. Just a thought 🙂

  4. Though I’ve already told u face to face, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your project. It meant a lot to me, but even more to my father.

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