Urban Legend: The Marc Wallice Forged Tests, Part One

By now we all know the industry legend of Marc Wallice doctoring his HIV test results and intentionaly working despite the fact that he knew he had HIV. But did Wallice really know he was HIV positive?

At the time of these events I was employed by Medical Science Institute(MSI) and Physicians Clinical Laboratory(PCL). These two labs merged together and became Bio-Cypher Lab. At this time the NEVHC clinics had a contract with MSI labs to do their bloodwork. I was the Field Service Supervisor at this time, and the NEVHC clinics were my accounts. I don’t recall exactly when the two lab facilities were combined into one, but each facility operated independently for almost nine months after the merger took place. The transfer of accounts and employees was a very long process.

The authenticity of one test was questioned because it listed Wallice as a “49 year old female.” This was nothing more than a clerical error at the lab. On that particular night a mistake was made that lead to about 40 to 50 patients information being incorrectly entered. The mistake was caught at the lab about four days later by a billing department eployee, who fixed all of the errors. We also pulled every single specimen to make sure nobody’s blood work was mixed up. Except when the errors were corrected by the billing department they did not do the corrections on the “clinical” side, so the errors still showed on the test results. Eventually this was also corrected and an “Ammended Report” was sent out with all of the proper information. The HIV negative results were never in question.

The authenticity of the second test was questioned because it had the adress of a clinic location that had been shut down for at least a month. Again, this can be traced directly back to the lab. Each of the NEVHC clinics had a unique account number at the lab in order for the test results to be sent to the proper location. When that one location closed all of the supplies were bought to the other locations, including the lab order slips with the address and account number for the old location. Because there were still test results pending when that location closed, the lab simply forwarded that locations results to another location. Eventually, those lab order slips from the closed location were used at the other facility, and that its why the other adress appears on that result. This too was eventually fixed and rereported with the proper information,. The HIV negative results were never in question.

Did Marc Wallice know he was HIV positive? Only he knows that answer. Were either of these tests forgeries, or doctored in any way, ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have read stories that prior to these incidents that Wallice had changed the date on one of his tests. I believe that this prior bad act led people to the conclusion that he had done it again, and they had every right to be skeptical.

There were also reports at the time of these incidents that a viral load test was done on Wallice that showed a VL of over 100,000. I never saw these tests personally, but usually a result like this is indicitive of one of two things, either it was an early detection, or the person was not taking any medication, both of which would indicate that Wallice did not know his HIV status. But not every persons body reacts to the HIV virus in the same way, so there could be other reasons for these results, not likely, but possible.

But the fact is, neither of these two tests that were deemed to be forgeries by the adult industry were in fact forgeries. Say what you want, beleive what you want, but Marc Wallice did not doctor, forge, or in any way alter the two tests in question. I would welcome the opportunity to speak directly to Marc about this. I can be reached at [email protected]

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Urban Legend: The Marc Wallice Forged Tests, Part One

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22 Responses

  1. Interesting analysis of the situation. I always went by what Sharon Mitchell said when she claimed that he lied about his HIV status numerous times (as she was in charge of testing and no one else came forward until now). Since IIRC the cases in porn attributed to Marc were over about six months or so this also could call into question how they got HIV (even the ELISA/Western Blot series back then detected HIV within 90 days IIRC). As you said you cannot tell if he was lying about his status and forging tests from this but depending on the dates of the tests it could tell the story and make Sharon look like the laughingstock she proved herself to be during her later years running AIM. Thank you for finally telling your side of this, it could be very telling of what actually happened.

  2. I think Marc Wallice and Mr. Mucus with syphilis need
    to be taken to a rifle range and both lined up facing the
    people of porn that they have infected and shot.

    I don’t give a fuck about Marc Wallice and Sharon Mitchell
    being crack smoking buddies and roomates and all that horseshit.
    You infected people and you lied and altered the test to get over
    on people in the porn industry.

    Maybe Marc wallice see’s that piece of shit Spencer is trying to
    come back to work and he thinks its time to return.
    send he to Treasure Media and or up to Kink.com in the shitty city
    and let the other POS male talent fuck him in the ass.

  3. @Mharris,
    Like I said, only one person knows when Wallice became aware of his HIV status, and that one person is Wallice himself. This post isnt to determine if he knew or not, only that neither of the two test in questioned were altered. The results on those tests were as they were reported,,NEGATIVE. Eventually all of the incorrect information on these lab reports were fixed, and issued as Ammended Reports.
    As far as ‘no one else came forward until now” Back in the day Wallice signed a release and an AVN reporter went to the clinic directly to get a copy of his result straight from the doctor. The doctor handed the AVN reporter an exact duplicate of the tests that were claimed to be forgeries. This i will adress in part two,,,specifically the complete ineptitude of those involved at AVN. I sent this exact story to AVN about seven years ago, they never printed it.

  4. Ricco,
    Those tests were not altered, that is simply a fact. I personally handled those tests,. I personally pulled the samples out of the racks to double check to make sure there was no mix ups on the clinical testing side. I personally checked the names on the sign in sheets where people came in to have their blood drawn.
    Like I said, say what you want, beleive what you want, it doesnt change the facts that I have presented here.

  5. I doubt he would be doing scenes at Kink but TIM would probably love to have him (knowing their affinity for HIV+ gay men in their scenes) if he can keep his dick hard fucking a gay man up the ass. I don’t know if Marc Wallice is truly bisexual or not (it seems like I remember reading once he was but it was so long ago I can’t remember where) but I bet the people at TIM would love to have another HIV+ guy to play with. I know I won’t be watching these scenes but hey, if it floats your boat go for it.

  6. @Lacey, as sure as the sun sets in the west……The ‘other’ industry sites have it up now too.

    I would also like to thank everyone who emailed me regarding this article. I know its difficult, if not impossible for performers to speak out about these things without fear of retaliation from the industry, that is, no more work for performers who rock the boat. And to the casual observers of the industry who found this story a little unbelievable I can only say that this type of ‘myth’ is standard operating procedure in the porn industry. I will try to answer the rest of the emails today.

    Since posting this story there have been at least 3 attempts to hack the urbanlegend emial accout, Of course I expected thisand I(we) were ready for it.

    I am double checking some facts for part 2. These events were 15 years ago and I want to make sure that my memory is not clouded by all of the misreporting in the last 15 years. Another tragedy that came out of this is how LOW the bar for investigatin and reporting by the adult press was set, and how that bar remains at ground level today. Even back then the “reporters” who covered this had ALL the information that showed the tests werent altered at their fingertips, but they chose not to see it or report it. As I have said before, “In order to get the right answers you have to ask the right questions.” Because these so called reporters or journalists(lol) were more interested in finding a “got ya” scenario than the truth, this myth has endured for years as an urban legend, a false legend at that.

  7. Mike, I wonder where is the second part of this story? It left me quite intrigued. Do you happen to know any updates on Marc’s whereabouts? The whole story always sounded so fishy to me…

  8. Considering Mike didn’t write this he probably doesn’t know. Jilted is the author of this article as is stated in the title block in the byline. I too am very interested as this could make everything that we thought we knew about Marc Wallice and his forging VD tests wrong. A lot of people (including myself) could owe him a big apology.

    As for someone attempting to hack the Gmail account Jilted set up for this, I say take three guesses as to who did it and none of them are British tabloids. Hacking e-mail should be illegal IMO.

  9. I got somewhat sidetracked by things back when I wrote that and Inever did complete the second artilce. In a nutshell it is mostly about the sheer incompetence of AVN, and their shoddy reporting, that led to this becoming the urban legend that it has.
    At the time of these events, Marc Wallice(Goldberg) signed a release that allowed this clinic to release his results to an AVN reporter, I think it was Eli Cross, but it may have bee Fatboy Kernes. The reporter went to the clinic, and the doctor got the results directly out of Goldbergs medical records and handed them to the reporter,,,,they were IDENTICAL to the alleged altered results. A couple of articles appeared in ANV that just make me laugh to this day. Obviously whoever interviewed the doctor was clueless to medical procedure, and eventually the doctor told him to get the hell out…..the reporter just kept trying to ask “gotcha” type questions. Of course they did not report being told to get the hell out. But even one of these AVN aritcles did indicate that they might not be forgeries,,,but the need for a scapegoat was too big.

    Did Marc know,,,only HE can answer that. I never saw the viral load test that said over 100,000, which would usually indicate either a recent infection, or someone not on meds, but who knows.

    Over the years I have told this story to many who were in the industry at the time, and lets just say you should see the look on their faces, total disbeleif. I dont know if Marc knew,,,but what I do know for a fact, because I personally handled these tests, is that neither of these so called smoking guns was in any way shape or form altered, forged, or othewise messed with in any way. PERIOD END OF CONVERSATION, no matter what anyone else says, especially anybody from AVN.

  10. And when you look at the supposed timelines of some of the female performers who were coming up postive at the time, it just doesnt add up. Too many girls, going to far back were blamed on Marc. IF IF IF Marc had HIV for that long there is no way his tests would have been cominig up negative(Elisa) and if he was infected that long, with a viral load of 100,000, and was not on meds he would almost,,,ALMOST certainly have progressed farther along with the disease.
    But the industry needed a scapegoat, and they very well couldnt come out and say we dont know where ALL these infctions in the last couple of years have come from, and it got dumpled on Marc, whose own reputation for serious drug use, and a past prior offense did not help him at all.

  11. http://business.avn.com/articles/video/AVN-Interviews-Dr-Mark-Henrickson-of-the-NEVHC-36232.html

    Here is oneof those old AVN jokes,,,oops, articles. Take particlular note when the doctor tells the guy that the industry is wanting these tests to dothings they can, ‘Wont ever” do, regarding ‘containment” and the industry testing program……And this was 17 years ago…LOL
    This guy, Logan, didnt know what to ask,,,he keeps referringto the doctors office, and the wrong information, when it wasnt the doctors office that made the mistake, it was the lab. In another article they refer to the ‘clinic’ at 1600 San Fernando road,,,which was NOT a clinic but MSI(later Biocypher) LABORATORY, where Marc had his blood drawn, and I personally reviewed the log in sheet with his signature on it.

  12. Here’s an old interview Marc Wallice did for Luke Ford.. Wallice got caught with an altered HIV test in 1996 and changed the date on another one… How many other times did he do this and not get caught? Probably lots!


    All you have to do is read between all of his lying and denying to see the truth! This scumbag KNEW he had HIV and kept working anyway..

  13. Asa person whho was there, firsthand, who actually handled the actual test results with my own hands, and who also had access to previous tests for months before these incidents, all of which were also negative, i just disagree. Yes, Wallice had prior bad acts, and I believe those prior acts led people to believe he is guilty of this transgression. There is only one thing for absolute 100%certain,,,,neither of the alleged smoking gun tests were forged,,,,I personally saw the results, I personally saw the tubes of blood myself, Ipersonally saw his signature on the sign in sheet when he got his blood drawn. but hey, I guess a porn industry blogger knows more about this than I do.

    So common, do you have any guess how these tests, all legit, and for months previous were all negative? I’d be interested on your ‘theory’ about this. And might you know why his viral load was so sky high, if he had indeed been infected for months? Doesnt it just suck when someone with the actual facts ruins a great conspiracy theory?

  14. I still think Wallice knew he was HIV positive but if what you are saying is true than why did you wait 16 years to come forward with this information?

  15. I would think Marc would have loved for you to come forward if you could have helped prove his innocence….

    By the way, You admitted in your post that you never saw Wallice’s viral load tests personally..so….

  16. @Common
    These events took place before I had any association with the adult industry. It was just one of those things that happened at the lab that was my job to fix. I actually didnt realize until a few years into my working with AIM that that I realized this old indident at MSI was related to the adult industry. I first told this story on another industry website years ago, gave this story to AVN YEARS ago, of course they never ran it. I also reached out years ago to Wallice himself, through an intermediary, who informed me that Marc would just rather let it go than personally make anymore public statements on the matter.

    You may still think he knew but that doesnt change the fact that he was taking legit HIV tests that were negative, and like I said, not just these two tests but months of previous tests also,,,,,,,there is also a certain thing about the labs,,,,,,I worked for PCL, and MSI individually, then PCL and MSI merged and became Bio-Cypher.

    Common,,,if you read the old AVN articles they DO prove his innoncence. The AVN reporters were handed copies of the alleged forged tests straight from the doctors office and they matched the alleged forgeries perfectly. And i never saw the viral test that was reported to be over 100,000 because that would have been done at a different lab,,,your point about that being what…….?

    And I take a little offense to the “IF what youre saying is true” rest assured, its true, even AVN reported that the tests were identical, but you cant put the genie back in the bottle, The industry had too much invested in the Wallice scapegoat to ever really come clean and admit they didnt know where all the HIV for the past few years had been coming from.

  17. This reminds me of the Rodny Dangerfield movie,”Back to College” I think was the title. Rodney has a thing for the english professor, and the assignment is to write about Kurt Vonnegat. Rodney actually gets Kurt Vonnegat to write the paper for him, and the professor gives him a D grade, saying “Whoever wrote this doesnt know a thing about Vonnegat.” Kind of like believing porn industry bloggers speculation than the person who actually handled the situation firsthand, the person whose job it was to correct the situation, theperson who actually saw the test results, the requisition slip, the sign in sheet signatures, the consent for HIV test forms, and the actual tubes of blood themselves, the previous months negative tests. But hey, you know what was between the lines on Luke Fords site, how can i compete with that?

  18. Ok, jilted. you convinced me. I believe you.
    By the way, the movie is “Back to School” and it’s a classic.

  19. Anyone see Rodney Dangerfield’s eyes bugging out saying can’t get no respect? TFF

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