Cameron Reid and AIM Both Have The Same Hole In Their Story

Cameron Reid says he got HIV in the industry.  AIM says he got it from personal activity.  Cameron says he thinks he got it from a condomless blowjob scene, which is HIGHLY unlikely.

The problem here is bot AIM and Cameron are acting like idiots.

There’s no way either one of them could know where he contracted the HIV Virus.  He claims he only had sex with his girlfriend outside the biz, yet he had gay escort ads all over the place, some of which implied he would do bareback.

He for sure had customers too because I was sent some of his reviews from the gay escort sites.

So AIM would like to say he got it from gay escorting and he would like to say he got it from gay porn but it isnt likely either one knows where he got it.

44160cookie-checkCameron Reid and AIM Both Have The Same Hole In Their Story

Cameron Reid and AIM Both Have The Same Hole In Their Story

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