FSC Addresses 2024 Presidential Election Results

Having failed to make any positive appreciable impact upon the 2024 U.S. Presidential or down-ballot races, adult industry trade group Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has released the following letter:

Dear Industry Members,

Donald J. Trump has been re-elected President of the United States.

Whether you’re a MAGA diehard or part of the majority* in our industry who did not support Trump, a new administration means new challenges and no matter who won this election, there would have been work to do. 

Kamala Harris co-sponsored SESTA and the Democratic party removed a commitment to “protect the lives of sex workers” from its platform during her candidacy. Donald Trump’s political allies** take the official position that “[p]ornography should be outlawed,” that “[t]he people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned,” and admit that age verification laws are a first step toward banning porn entirely.

Regardless of how you feel about the election outcome, it was just as true yesterday as it is today that you are part of a stigmatized and maligned industry that has always had to fight for its very existence. Until roughly 50 years ago, adult entertainment was largely illegal and arrests were commonplace. Through the 1980s, under Reagan and Bush, scores of adult producers and distributors were prosecuted, imprisoned or driven out of business using laws that still remain on the books.***

It was only in 2008 that laws criminalizing “obscene devices” were even ruled unconstitutional in Texas and 2010 when John Stagliano was acquitted of obscenity charges filed by the George W. Bush administration and taken to trial by Obama’s Justice Department.  But don’t forget–“obscene devices” are still illegal in Alabama and Max Hardcore was sent to prison for obscenity just 15 years ago. Hard-fought gains are never permanent. Sex remains an uncomfortable and divisive issue in the United States.

Our industry is not a monolith, politically or otherwise, but to most outsiders, we are the same. And we are a target. 

Free Speech Coalition’s mission is to protect the rights and freedoms of the adult industry. That’s true no matter which side of the aisle our members–or the attacks–come from. We all have a fundamental interest in ensuring that our livelihoods are protected and there truly is power in our numbers. 

It’s an honor to lead this organization and dedicate every day not just to defending what we have, but to creating opportunities for even greater prosperity. If those aspirations resonate with you, we have a lot of work to do and I’d love your help.


Alison Boden
Executive Director
Free Speech Coalition

FSC and its Marxist spokesperson, Mike Stabile — a big supporter of California politician Scott Wiener, who promotes legislation to protect sex offenders who lure minors — spent the entire election cycle promoting radical left causes and signaling that anyone who opposed their policies and views is a homopho0bic, transphobic, xenophobic, sexphobic fascist.

After sowing division ceaselessly, in their defeat they want everyone to play nice.

*Link to a Mashable article celebrating an unscientific junk study removed.

** President Trump has repeatedly denounced Project 2025.

*** “On the books” does not mean enforceable.  For instance, California’s Measure B, which was promoted by Democrats and placed on the ballot by a left wing AIDS group, is still on the books, but unenforceable.  

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FSC Addresses 2024 Presidential Election Results

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