John Stagliano Blew It, Being Sued By Katie Summers Reports:

LOS ANGELES – John Stagliano and Evil Angel Productions didn’t tell a porn actress that Stagliano was HIV positive while they made a movie, the actress, known as Katie Summers, claims in Superior Court.

According to the lawsuit filed by Summers and her attorney Robert Starr,  Summers, who performed in Stretch Class 4 is suing Stagliano et al. for negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, sexual battery and violations of professions code section 17200.

Summers is asking for medical bills, future medical bills, loss of income, loss of future income, punitive damages, general damages, special damages plus attorneys fees and costs.

In the suit Summers states that she worked in Stagliano’s “Stretch Class 4″ unaware of the fact that he was HIV. Stagliano worked with her. Had she known says Summers, she would never have done the movie.

Background facts not contained in the lawsuit are that Summers at the time was represented by Type 9 Modeling which set up a luncheon meeting with Summers and Stagliano. Never at any time, according to Summers, was she made aware of the fact of Stagliano’s medical condition.

Rob Black actually brought the story that Stagliano was actively participating in the “Stretch Class” movies without notifying the talent that he was HIV positive.

John and Evil Angel have since discontinued the series.

This comes at a really bad time for the industry, with the condom laws hanging over our heads.

77050cookie-checkJohn Stagliano Blew It, Being Sued By Katie Summers

John Stagliano Blew It, Being Sued By Katie Summers

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47 Responses

  1. Thats’s right bad time! But somebody needs to put these a-sholes that love a-holes in their place. This cocksucker! love to have HIV trannys fuck em in the ass and then come back to the USA and years later fuck around with the girls in the Industry??

    Come on…that is stupid. John will have fattosi represent him in court on this one…and Kevin at type 9 is a cocksucker who knew all along too. Need to check his ass too…

  2. Does she have much of a case she worked for a studio that used gay male talent to shoot straight porn at next door studios. Two of the performers she worked with (Tyler Andrews and cliff Jensen) are both gay male prostitutes.

  3. It has yet to be decided whether to file a seperate suit against her agent, or to join the suits together.

  4. I have got a question for those criticizing John Stagiano, do they think that an actor should be sued for not saying they have HIV when he or she does kissing scenes. In the 1980s, there was a controversy about Rock Hudson kissing Linda Evans. There are people who still worry about getting HIV from being in the same room or work place as a HIV person. People have not heard what Stagliano has to say about what happened. He may have thought Type 9 Modeling told the women about his HIV status. It would seem logical that Type 9 Modeling knew about Stagliano having HIV. I do think Stagliano should have told the women about his having HIV and not assume that they already had been told about his HIV status. I do think that much of Robert Black’s hostility to Stagliano is because he is married to his ex-girlfriend Tricia Devereaux. Black and Tricia were a couple during the time Black directed for Elegant Angel. Over 5 years ago, I interview Tricia for a Tricia Devereaux comic book that never ended up being published. She talked about how Black was very nice until she got to know him more. The stories she told me about him have heavily contributed to my still having a negative opinion of Black.

    article from 1980s
    Linda Evans talks for the first time about ROCk, AIDS…
    And that Dynasty KISS

  5. Jamie; look at this way, john is a really nice and caring LA producer. He really is. He just loves male cock.

  6. Jaime, the quick answer to your questiion is YES. And your statement that Stagliano may have thought that the agent notified the performer is patently ridiculous. The responsibilty, LEGAL responsiblility falls directly on Stagliano. Even if it were a personal encounter, the legal responsibilily falls on stagliano. Now throw in the workplace responsibilities and both the agent and stagliano are legally responsible. 1700.33 reads “No agent shall send any person to a workplace where the health and safety of the performer may be in jeopardy, the knowldge of which could be ascertained with minimal effort.” Type 9 knew, they sent the perfomrer without notifying said performer. NO EXCUSE for this illegal behavior.

    What anyone thinks ‘should’ have been disclosed is irrelevent. What actually was or wasnt is the issue. Look for a quick settlement here, neither Stagliano or Type 9 has a leg to stand on.

    Can you imagine what the workers comp rate for Stags company is going to skyrocket too, assuming he carries workers comp.

    To even suggest that Stag may have thought Type 9 notified her is what you call grasping at straws.

  7. Given enough time, all of these people will take care of themselves and ruin what is left of the industry. The government doesn’t have to anything other than stay out of everyone’s way and allow some of the world’s most self destructive people to do what they do best.

  8. I have only met John Stagliano once. At Erotica LA 2004, John and Tricia came by the Carnal Comics booth and talked with S.S. Crompton (the publisher) and myself. Tricia talked a lot more then John. Considering what happened to Tricia getting HIV from Marc Wallice, I’m skeptical that Tricia would condone her husband putting women in danger. I’m still willing to give Stagliano the benefit of doubt because of my knowing Tricia for years.

  9. I am sorry to read that they have decided to discontinue the series.
    It was an interesting series full of a variety of fun and erotic moments.
    I hope that they decide to somehow continue with a similar concept
    in some sort of way.

    As a fan of this series and just about all of John’s work as a
    producer/director/performer…since the start of this series I have
    always viewed the movies with a bit of a questionable eye when it
    came to John’s participation and interactions with the various
    models during the scenes.
    I never thought for a second that John wouldn’t be totally open
    and upfront with the models concerning his HIV status.
    I mean..even for his own legal protection..I would think that
    he’d get that sort of stuff covered in writing and maybe even with
    on camera statements just to cover and then double cover his butt(man)
    when it came to this sort of stuff.

    I’ve veiwed a few things that I thought may have been very close to going
    over the line in a number of the movies in this series…but I have always
    assumed that certain things were covered and discussed off camera between
    John and his performers. (..things such as John’s HIV status and every possible
    thing associated with all of that type of stuff.)
    ..and I am talking about John’s various ways of touching the models
    during the scenes..and not about the extreme nature of some of the
    actions depicted during some of the scenes.

  10. Debi, I agree with what you’re saying but it looks like you said that ‘she,’ this female performer made a bad decision. How is that? She took a booking from her agent, for this ‘different’ kind of scene, and did her job.

    Stagliano, her agent, and everyone else on that set knew he was HIV+. She didnt, and nobody told her. In another thread here Jaime gardner has said that Tricia D. said, “John thought she knew” which basicaly admits that he didnt tell her.

  11. And a second to Mikes comment
    Debbie, nice to have someone with your experience in the industry commenting here. Thank you.

  12. AVN Did a Piss Poor Job Of Reviewing Stretch Class 1

    I’ll have more to post tomorrow about my chat with Rob Black, but one of the things we talked about on his show today, was the first Buttman Stretch Class. It features the infamous scene featuring Stagliano’s dick in Brazilian performer Monica Santhiago’s ass.

    What I found interesting is that AVN in 2008 reviewed the movie, and no one caught this major discrepancy involving industry safety protocol. Had I still been running the magazine, porn would have been on lock down.

    Here’s what AVN had to say about the movie: “In his second Blu-ray release, John Stagliano commits to a luxurious, intimate portrait of his subjects, four women who are as idiosyncratic and generous with their sexuality as they are lovely.

    “John coaxes these young ladies to get off with a wide array of sex toys and paraphenalia; the extensive behind-the-scenes footage on Disc Two reveals the girls at their most open, and highlights the extraordinary cooperation between director and star.

    “Ostensibly about the stretching of the female anus and other parts, Buttman’s Stretch Class ends up as much about stretching one’s erotic boundaries and reexamining the assumptions that govern female sexuality in porn.”

    That’s a review that says a lot about nothing, but the worst part about it is that for five years no one knew about this scene until Rob Black brought it to our intention this week. Debate the finer points of what sexual contact is, but Stagliano and his apostles can’t talk their way out of this one.

  13. This is an emotional issue. Folks who argue that a performer should have known – that she could have Googled her performing partner and therefore could have known Stagliano’s status – are missing the point. There’s a legal requirement for the individual who is HIV positive to report their status. There’s a legal requirement that an agent not send a client to a location where their health is at risk. There is no legal requirement for a sexual performer to Google their performing partner.

    And remember, this is a workplace issue. Stagliano has a legal requirement to insure a safe workplace.

    To put the above in context, think of it this way. You’re a young girl about Katie Summers age. You have just graduated from college or a training program and you’ve decided to enter a certain industry. You meet with an employment agency. They call you and say: I’ve got good news. John Smith runs Company XYZ. This is one of the best-known companies in our industry. I’ve told him about you, sent him your resume and he’d like to hire you. You interview with John Smith and he offers you a job. You go to work.

    Soon after you start your job, John Smith begins to sexually harrass you at work. You quit and file a suit.

    The media covers the suit and points out that John Smith has done this in the past.

    Is the young girl to blame because she didn’t Google John Smith before taking the job that was recommended to her by the employment agency?

  14. BT, you make a valid observation re: missing the point. That’s a recurring theme in the industry, not understanding or even being aware of the legal obligations.

  15. Bt,
    I’m starting to like you more everyday. Here’s another point I’d like to emphasise. This is not a criminal case, This is a civil case, and the burden of proof is much much lower.

    For the Staglianos to make the decision, to choose not to inform this person is reppulsive. On some other boards people are arguing that katie had some oblifation to find this out herself, but now its seems to be slowly coming out that this isnt the first time. This is a civil case, and if there is a PATTERN OF BEHAVIOR that can be shown here it will not bode well for the Staglianos, both of whom are living, breathing, walking, talking pieces of shit.

  16. On his Internet show Friday, Rob Black said judging by the doubting Thomas forum comments and tweets you’d think that porn fans were told there’s no Santa Claus.

    Black was talking about the pictures from Stretch Class 1 which show conclusively that John Stagliano, aka Punkman, taking advantage of a performer who speaks no English.

    Stagliano, who’s HIV positive has his penis squarely nestled in Brazilian performer Monica Santhiago’s ass. If that’s being caught with your pants down, I don’t know what is. But no one can seem to grasp this situation.

    “Stagliano portrays being a good person, but he’s a douchebag and is now behind society’s curtain, he puts your life at risk,” said Black.

    “That’s the worst person. He had this reputation of being this great awesome person but when people see this video-

    [“I’m not going to take Rob’s Black’s word,” I believe was one comment.]

    “I never met so many people that can’t believe Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

    “If Stagliano was a politician, he would have fled to whatever piece of shit he came from. Our industry is why we’re getting what we’re getting. John Stagliano basically from Stretch Class 1 to the last volume- we’re talking maybe 60 girls- it’s possible he didn’t tell any of them that he’s HIV. How can anyone in this business justify what he did? The Stagliano supporters are saying I want to see this tape.

    “Show them the Santhiago tape, and they’re speechless.” Black noted that Santhiago can’t sue and bring up charges.

    “But she is everything that everybody hates in what our business is the example for.”

    Black said Stagliano would be the perfect 30 second spot for a Weinstein campaign to ramrod the Measure B issue.

    “How can we defend that? You people all look at the small picture attacking Katie Summers. ‘He fingered her but he didn’t fuck her.’

    “This is going to be fun splitting hairs. Christian Mann, APHSS, Free Speech Coalition, explain to me – all you supporters and all you reviewers who love ‘Stags’ – how do you love anybody who’s put the business in a death-grip spiral?

    “This is just the beginning,” said Black. “When you all defend what John did with Katie, it only shows our business is run by uneducated people. The smart ones moved on and invested in other things.”

    “You’re not focusing on the bigger picture – we need safety within the business and one centralized testing service monitored by the city and state, and one centralized talent pool; one centralized healthcare facility.

    “In the same way Frank Koretsky has tied us up and put us through the wringer of misery- just like Stagliano, you, my friend, will be the focus next.” Black said there will be a lawsuit coming down on Koretsky.

    “The veil of secrecy has been lifted off these Santa Clauses- ‘Oh, you mean there’s no jolly fat guy that delivers presents to 200M children all in one night?’

    “’But they gave us money and John Stagliano put his arm around me’ – Look at the big picture. How in a million years can you give this guy a free pass?

    “View all the Stretch Class movies and watch them all from number 1 to where it’s now, and let’s take a look at what’s sexual contact or what is now. This guy is breaking every protocol that the Free Speech Coalition is representing. Think about that. You Stag supporters are amazing. Take a look at Stretch Class from 1 to 18, and you’re going to parse the statutes- ‘Well, he didn’t put his penis in her.’ AVN, why don’t you do a follow up?”

    [AVN can’t do a follow up because they blew reviewing the first movie that features the Santhiago scene- ]

    “Santa Claus lovers- I suppose I searched this young girl out [Summers] and wooed her with my awesome charm. I sought out the footage? Oh, and he stole my girlfriend – I guess that’s what you all thought. The Rob Black witch hunt grasping out straws in a personal vendetta. This real shit now fuck sticks because he’s a real scumbag. Hey, asshole, how many people have you put in a risky situation?

    “What Stagliano did in Stretch Class 1 to that girl, regardless of the circumstamnces or whatever fucking excuse this scumbag can come up with, there’s no excuse to take out your penis when you’re HIV positive and put it between the buttocks of a performer. There is no excuse. There is no rationale.

    “She don’t speak English, she can’t tell a soul; you’re the most influential – ‘I am Stags. I can do whatever I want.’ John, you like to prey on the weak. That is what you like to do. You prey on new performers or old ones that want to become stars and will sell their soul to Buttman Stagliano.

    “Stags, you should be proud of yourself that you can prey on vulnerable new talent and talent that are desperately trying to be something in this business and that working with an HIV performer will put them on the fast track to super stardom.

    “Here’s the thing Stagliano,” Black concluded.

    “You did this to these women for five years – a new deal of performers are going to torture you. There’s 60 girls. One has come out and filed a lawsuit. A second is coming next week and there’s more coming- you exploited and abused young women in this business.

    “It’s over, boy. Pack up and take your ass to Brazil. It’s done. I suggest you pack your shit and take a hike to Brazil where you can perform and do whatever you want with the Brazilian people and when they find out what you did, they will sever your head.”

  17. On his Internet show Friday, Rob Black said judging by the doubting Thomas forum comments and tweets you’d think that porn fans were told there’s no Santa Claus.

    Black was talking about the pictures from Stretch Class 1 which show conclusively that John Stagliano, aka Punkman, taking advantage of a performer who speaks no English.

    Stagliano, who’s HIV positive has his penis squarely nestled in Brazilian performer Monica Santhiago’s ass. If that’s being caught with your pants down, I don’t know what is. But no one can seem to grasp this situation.

    “Stagliano portrays being a good person, but he’s a douchebag and is now behind society’s curtain, he puts your life at risk,” said Black.

    “That’s the worst person. He had this reputation of being this great awesome person but when people see this video-

    [“I’m not going to take Rob’s Black’s word,” I believe was one comment.]

    “I never met so many people that can’t believe Santa Claus doesn’t exist.

    “If Stagliano was a politician, he would have fled to whatever piece of shit he came from. Our industry is why we’re getting what we’re getting. John Stagliano basically from Stretch Class 1 to the last volume- we’re talking maybe 60 girls- it’s possible he didn’t tell any of them that he’s HIV. How can anyone in this business justify what he did? The Stagliano supporters are saying I want to see this tape.

    “Show them the Santhiago tape, and they’re speechless.” Black noted that Santhiago can’t sue and bring up charges.

    “But she is everything that everybody hates in what our business is the example for.”

    Black said Stagliano would be the perfect 30 second spot for a Weinstein campaign to ramrod the Measure B issue.

    “How can we defend that? You people all look at the small picture attacking Katie Summers. ‘He fingered her but he didn’t fuck her.’

    “This is going to be fun splitting hairs. Christian Mann, APHSS, Free Speech Coalition, explain to me – all you supporters and all you reviewers who love ‘Stags’ – how do you love anybody who’s put the business in a death-grip spiral?

    “This is just the beginning,” said Black. “When you all defend what John did with Katie, it only shows our business is run by uneducated people. The smart ones moved on and invested in other things.”

    “You’re not focusing on the bigger picture – we need safety within the business and one centralized testing service monitored by the city and state, and one centralized talent pool; one centralized healthcare facility.

    “In the same way Frank Koretsky has tied us up and put us through the wringer of misery- just like Stagliano, you, my friend, will be the focus next.” Black said there will be a lawsuit coming down on Koretsky.

    “The veil of secrecy has been lifted off these Santa Clauses- ‘Oh, you mean there’s no jolly fat guy that delivers presents to 200M children all in one night?’

    “’But they gave us money and John Stagliano put his arm around me’ – Look at the big picture. How in a million years can you give this guy a free pass?

    “View all the Stretch Class movies and watch them all from number 1 to where it’s now, and let’s take a look at what’s sexual contact or what is now. This guy is breaking every protocol that the Free Speech Coalition is representing. Think about that. You Stag supporters are amazing. Take a look at Stretch Class from 1 to 18, and you’re going to parse the statutes- ‘Well, he didn’t put his penis in her.’ AVN, why don’t you do a follow up?”

    [AVN can’t do a follow up because they blew reviewing the first movie that features the Santhiago ]

    “Santa Claus lovers- I suppose I searched this young girl out [Summers] and wooed her with my awesome charm. I sought out the footage? Oh, and he stole my girlfriend – I guess that’s what you all thought. The Rob Black witch hunt grasping out straws in a personal vendetta. This real shit now fuck sticks because he’s a real scumbag. Hey, asshole, how many people have you put in a risky situation?

    “What Stagliano did in Stretch Class 1 to that girl, regardless of the circumstamnces or whatever fucking excuse this scumbag can come up with, there’s no excuse to take out your penis when you’re HIV positive and put it between the buttocks of a performer. There is no excuse. There is no rationale.

    “She don’t speak English, she can’t tell a soul; you’re the most influential – ‘I am Stags. I can do whatever I want.’ John, you like to prey on the weak. That is what you like to do. You prey on new performers or old ones that want to become stars and will sell their soul to Buttman Stagliano.

    “Stags, you should be proud of yourself that you can prey on vulnerable new talent and talent that are desperately trying to be something in this business and that working with an HIV performer will put them on the fast track to super stardom.

    “Here’s the thing Stagliano,” Black concluded.

    “You did this to these women for five years – a new deal of performers are going to torture you. There’s 60 girls. One has come out and filed a lawsuit. A second is coming next week and there’s more coming- you exploited and abused young women in this business.

    “It’s over, boy. Pack up and take your ass to Brazil. It’s done. I suggest you pack your shit and take a hike to Brazil where you can perform and do whatever you want with the Brazilian people and when they find out what you did, they will sever your head.”

  18. Why thank you, Jilted. I think we agree far more often than we disagree. And, I hope I never sound too much like a jerk when we disagree.

    Here’s the thing. I may sometimes sound like I’m anti-porn in my posts, but I’m not. I like porn. I’ve enjoyed it since I snuck into a theater at age 17 – back when they showed porn on the big screen. That was 40 years ago. I still enjoy it today.

    What I am is anti-stupid.

    Without getting too deeply in my profession, I’ve spent the last 20 years working with and around lawyers, including First Amendment lawyers. I also own a business and employ people. Certainly, I’m not an expert. But, when I write things, I’m better informed than some of the folks on Luke Is Back that were proclaiming what they think the First Amendment protects or what they think workplace safety means.

    Much of it was probably heart-felt, expressed with lots of passion and vitriol, and, way too often, just stupid.

    They write as if pornography is a special industry that does not have to abide by the same rules as other businesses, including publishing and mainstream entertainment. Or that porn talent is a protected class, like people of color or people with disabilities.

    The burden of proof is lower in a civil suit. But it’s still tough and these cases will be hard fought. If Stagliano’s lawyer is smart, he will settle them out of court so they remain civil suits and don’t expose the industry to more self-inflicted harm.

    If Katie’s lawyer has resources, he’ll start deposing everyone connected to that shoot, to all the other shoots that Stagliano has been involved in since his HIV status, to Evil Angel, to Katie’s talent agency, to any talent agency that has ever sent an actress on a Stagliano shoot, and the industry’s testing systems and protocols because they’re all relevant. It’s really a matter of resources.

    The beauty of this case is that it is not a First Amendment case as filed. It really is about personal endangerment and workplace safety. The Staglianos cannot argue that they have a First Amendment right to exposes someone to HIV infection because its art.

  19. Bt,
    I see your point about the resources available to Katies attorney. I too think there will be a quick settlement, OR, Robert Starr will enlist the assistance of the AHF, who may be more than willing to help provide some of those resources.

    I agree with you that there is this attitude in the industry that they can do whatever they want, when ever they want, and have no accountability. Slowly buy surely, this is changing. I think there will be more, similar cases coming very shortly. The current APHSS system is being shown for the joke that it is, they have not even commented on this. TTS announces Hep testing, CET follows suit, and they both say they will not list you as available if you test positve, which raises the questions, who makes the industry protocols? The light is being shined on the cockroaches, and they are starting to scatter, like the vermin that they are.

    I too support the right to make and enjoy porn if thats your thing. But that doesnt mean you have to support the likes of Stagliano and the corrupt, agents/pimps/traffickers.

    I find it pretty ironic at times that the industry that so often yells freedom of speech more often than not chooses to remain silent when confronted with issues like this.

    MIKE, didnt Lydia Lee once write for this site. What does her Performers for Choice(what a fucking joke) have to say about this. Looks like this performer Katie didnt get to make an informed choice did she. And about that joke of Performers for choice; right on their first page it says, By signing up you agree that you are against mandatory condoms. How the fuck is that a choice? What a fucking hypocrite, and her silence on this issue is even worse.

  20. Out of His Own Mouth John Stagliano Admits He Sucks Dick

    attorney Bobby Starr your case has just been made

    Proving that his encounter with a Brazilian transsexual where he acquired HIV, wasn’t a one-time accident, John Stagliano states the following in the book The Other Side of Hollywood written by Legs McNeil and Jennifer Osborne:

    “You know, I am a little bisexual. I had sucked some guys’ dicks in quarter peep shows as a variety thing. But primarily, I guess, I’m heterosexual. I just personally don’t worry what people think about me. But you know, admitting that I really wanted to get fucked in the ass, and might really like it, is not necessarily a socially acceptable thing for a straight man.”

    Who the fuck is Stagliano kidding? You suck dick, you’re a homo. Don’t give me this experimenting crap. And if you admit to like taking it in the ass, you’ve just proved the point.

    Stagliano out of his own mouth has just testified to a pattern of reckless behavior which put Katie Summers at risk.

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