The Union Is Having Growing Pains But It Will Endure

Yesterday I wrote about a tough decision and today is no different.

The Performers Union has reached a point where there is some dissension, and rightly so. Phyllisha Anne has done a decent thing and set in motion something that might change adult forever she is the founder of the Union. but the Union now has a board in place and that means that she no longer has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Union, she doesn’t own it.

Everything that the Union does has to be above board and in the open no single member can make decisions on behalf of the Union.

It is my understanding that there have been some clandestine meetings with both The FSC and AHF, things that the board of the Union wasn’t aware of. In these meetings thing of value were requested including an office and salary, in one case airline tickets were offered and accepted for free to attend a meeting in Sacramento. No officer of a union has the authority to have secret meetings that the board knows nothing about, much less the authority to act as a result of that meeting. This kind of thing can not happen, it undermines the entire credibility and integrity of the union.

The board has recognized this and it is my understanding that they are taking measures to relieve Phyllisha Anne of any decision making authority, removing her from the board. Nobody is happy about it but it has to be done in order to preserve the credibility and integrity that the Union stands for.

I don’t fault anyone, I understand that it is difficult to put your heart and soul into something then have to allow it to run counter to what you may believe, but a Union founder is not a dictator. These struggles are common, it takes time for a new governing body to right itself and maintain an even keel. but it does happen, by design the democratic process is self correcting and that is exactly what is happening now, it is easy to find fault but the truth is that the process is working just as it should.

If you look back at our own country here in the United States, we tried and failed (Federalist Papers) but we learned and we got it right, it took years for our fledgling country to agree on and work out the Constitution that we have defining how our government works but we did it and in the course of doing so we forever changed history for the entire world.

Phyllisha now has to step aside and allow the Union to become what it must.

138310cookie-checkThe Union Is Having Growing Pains But It Will Endure

The Union Is Having Growing Pains But It Will Endure

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41 Responses

  1. Well at least I’m not the only one that smacks their head . Lol.

    So who will be there to file the papers for the crew chapter, the dancer chapter, the Bdsm chapter, who will be there to get everyone gathered to get them where everyone needs to be? If not me?

    Perhaps I could say hello. There’s just more then Porn people this was created for! Selfish people, just drive me freaking crazy!!

    I created this Union as a Positive thing!! And this Union is to protect the workers safety and health and prepare them for a better future. Regardless of weather we like it or not, barrier protection is A federal law since 1992! As a Union we MUST abide by all Federal Laws! Stating that we do not support proposition 60 is stating that the Union will not stand by the federal law!

    Exactly how quickly do u think we would last after that statement? About 2 point zero seconds. This Union doesn’t always have to agree with each other, that’s what great about having a voice. But this union does stand for safety and safety common sense tells u to put on a damn condom while you are at work because 9 out of 10 these days you don’t even know anything about the person your about to works with! And if you think for one second that this Union has reached the maturity level it may think it has, for me to stand aside, well just look at em now, eh?

    I will stand a side when it’s time to stand a side and not a minute before. Either you stand by me and what I have created in which are the objectives and goals of this union and to say yes to Prop 60. Or they can step aside.

    And just to make sure we are all clear here, the internatioanl President took a vote before any one of you guys knew it existed to state that while forming this Union the founder shall act as a director of this International and has full authority under the direction of the Internatioanl Union to speak on its behalf in regards to the objects and goals of this Union, and to carry out its means by every lawful act to do so.

    You can say what you want, think what you want, but you better believe I’m ready to fight. So everyone better wake up!

    If you really really really want to get rid of me (FSC). Then start making those changes I have requested as A PERFORMER! Testing centers accepting insurance, companies making performers employed for retirement n social security
    Start making this industry not just about you but about the rest of us too! How about involving the gay and tranis to our award events? Aren’t they a part of our industry too? And Then and only then will I think about stepping aside!

    And if I am not allowed to accept a planw ticket from AHF. Then No performer is allowed to accept one from FSC. So that is just retarded. And just so u know I’m expecting to accept a lot of plane tickets from AHF because they kindly offered for no reason yet to offer, to fight in Oakland the peformers safety. You may hate me now. But when u all wake up. You will think me later.

    or I’ll just make a new mother union. And do it all over again. Either way. You are not going to get rid of me. And the more you try the stronger I become.

  2. Well at least I’m not the only one that smacks their head . Lol.

    So who will be there to file the papers for the crew chapter, the dancer chapter, the Bdsm chapter, who will be there to get everyone gathered to get them where everyone needs to be? If not me?

    Perhaps I could say hello. There’s just more then Porn people this was created for! Selfish people, just drive me freaking crazy!!

    I created this Union as a Positive thing!! And this Union is to protect the workers safety and health and prepare them for a better future. Regardless of weather we like it or not, barrier protection is A federal law since 1992! As a Union a union MUST abide by all Federal Laws! Stating that the Union does not support proposition 60 is stating that the Union will not stand by the federal law!

    Exactly how quickly do u think the Union will last after that statement? About 2 point zero seconds. This Union doesn’t always have to agree with each other, that’s what great about having a voice. But this union does stand for safety and safety common sense tells u to put on a damn condom while you are at work because 9 out of 10 these days you don’t even know anything about the person your about to works with! And if you think for one second that this Union has reached the maturity level it may think it has, for me to stand aside, well just look at em now, eh?

    I will stand a side when it’s time to stand a side and not a minute before. Either you stand by me and what I have created in which are the objectives and goals of this union Or they can step aside.

    And just to make sure we are all clear here, the internatioanl President took a vote before any one of you guys knew it existed to state that while forming this Union the founder shall act as a director of this International and has full authority under the direction of the Internatioanl President to speak on its behalf in regards to the objects and goals of this Union, and to carry out its means by every lawful act to do so.

    And every union lawyer will tell you that the Mother Unions constitutions are the supreme laws of the Union. Which over ride most labor laws. Dah.

    You can say what you want, think what you want, but you better believe I’m ready to fight. So everyone better wake up!

    If you really really really want to get rid of me (FSC). Then start making those changes I have requested as A PERFORMER! Testing centers accepting insurance, companies making performers employed for retirement n social security
    Start making this industry not just about you but about the rest of us too! How about involving the gay and tranis to our award events? Aren’t they a part of our industry too? And Then and only then will I think about stepping aside!

    And if I am not allowed to accept a plane ticket from AHF. Then No performer is allowed to accept one from FSC.

    You may hate me now. But when u all wake up. You will think me later.

    OR. I will just make a new mother union. And do it all over again. Either way. You are not going to get rid of me. And the more you try the stronger I become.

  3. @phyllisha

    “If you really really really want to get rid of me (FSC). Then start making those changes I have requested as A PERFORMER! Testing centers accepting insurance, companies making performers employed for retirement n social security
    Start making this industry not just about you but about the rest of us too! How about involving the gay and tranis to our award events? Arenā€™t they a part of our industry too? And Then and only then will I think about stepping aside!”

    Unless the FSC is the union, a medical insurance provider, or own and operate testing centers they aren’t under any obligation to make testing centers accept insurance. If one needs to test for STD’s twice a month they are high-risk and not worth insuring. Unless one is contracted who is going to provide anything seeing as people work for so many different companies? Are they all going to contribute to a retirement plan?

    The GAYVN Awards still exist, right? The Awards are owned by AVN, a private company. They can do as they choose.

  4. So either the Union does what you think it’s right or…they do what you think it’s right. I’m not necessarily against that, don’t misunderstand me. But dictatorship and Union are two different concepts. On one thing I agree with you, though: you are smarter than the sum of the individual members of the board you appointed. And not necessarily because you are particularly smart. You see, that’s what worries me the most. Anyway, in the end you are right: you appointed them, they should answer to you. If they don’t like your manifesto, they should resign and call for real elections. They didn’t complain when they got appointed by you without going through ballots. Now, they should show some loyalty and gratitude, for God’ sake! GO UNION!

  5. Sabrinia if I could just aquire one more skill it would be to have the way of words that you have. It’s Probably a pleasing I do not however, then just think how much more of a pain in the ass I would be. ;).

  6. Only one officer was appointed in the guild…before the election, that was myself… 2nd VP
    After the election, we decided to bump up Amber Lynn, from Board Member, to Sargeant-At-Arms
    All the other main officers, were elected.

  7. Phyllisha… You’ve told the crew chapter, Local 424, that you filed their paperwork. Are you now saying, right above, in that post, that you HAVEN’T? The crew union turned their by laws in to you, for you to send to DOL… Are you saying that you didn’t??
    So, as grateful as we (APAG & Crew Union local 424) are to you, for creating the IEAU, your responsibility as FOUNDER, is to continue on to create other chapters, AFTER all the officers are in place. We ARE in place, yet you continued to hold “negotiations” without our knowledge. You attempted to poach APAG’S board members, in order to fill in the spaces, of the non existent board, of the IEAU. You signed a document, endorcing AHF’s rebuttal to FSC, without consulting the IEAU board… You also told APAG, that you had dissolved IEAU, because everyone except your daughter, had resigned (which is a lie)
    When we attempted to contact Elisabeth Tomas (IEAU President) she didn’t even know who we were. You had our LOCAL chapter treasurer, doing the paperwork, which should’ve ALREADY been done by the IEAU (mother union) treasurer.
    As much as we were willing to follow your lead at the beginning, we had no choice but to take a strong stance against you, after all of your improper activities, came to light. We did that in order to SAVE the entity which you had created! That is how we are thanking you! We are thanking you by PROTECTING the union, at all costs. And, if that means that the local Guild and Union chapters, have to disassociate themselves from the founder….. sadly, that’s what they’ll do. One thing is for certain…. No matter how grateful the local chapters are to you, for creating the IEAU mother union, NO ONE is willing to serve prison time for you not following federal union law.
    You said it SO MANY TIMES, that you don’t have an officer position, because you cannot. So, for you to then, act as an agent, negotiator, or social media spokesperson, for IEAU, APAG, or crew local 424….. ESPECIALLY without the knowledge of any of their officers….. is like sabotaging the very entity which you e created. So please, go on to create the other local chapters, and let APAG and crew union local 424, pick up the pieces in order to SAVE what you’ve helped to create.

    Thank you

  8. @Melissa

    Saw this this morning but had to run out for a bit anyway…. FSC members are known to have a fiscal stake in FSC-PASS approved testing centers but @FSCpass is NOT a testing center…. it is a database.

  9. Straight up question, yes or no answer. Did you record your phone conversations with Adam Cohen, and if so, did you have his permisision? Did you know the conversation was being recorded? Do you know how it got into the hands of TRPWL?
    If, big IF IF IF, you did illegally record the conversations you need to resign immediately, you are putting the entire Union at risk, not to mention the the NLRB will be on the union like flies of shit. Melissa Hill, do you know the answers to these simple questions?

  10. PS,,,I thought I saw an article on AVN ealier today where no straight answers were really given, but now, and maybe its just me, I cant find that article anymore. Can anyone else find it and provide a link. The Department of Labor Relations does not look kindly on Union leaders who do this sort of thing, not at all. And again, thats a big IF. Of course you dont have to answer here, but you will have to answer to the NLRB. And if the answers exonerate you from any wrong doing I don’t see the point in not making it clear EXACTLY what happened.

  11. First of all. Again I like the dangerously unsmart smartness. …. Do not take my kindness for weakness. And no not take my Unsmartness and not pay attention to the smart in that sentence.

    With that said…, figure it out yourself. Lol.

  12. And I am the founder. NRLB officers have spoken many times. They would be more concerned with any statements being made that employers will not employ any Talent if they have relations with this Union. So do not make unnecessary threats you have no clue what’s so ever your talking about. It’s pointless and unnessary. However I do thank u for your concern. Hope everyone is having a wonderful hUmmP day!!!! #gounion You guys are wasting a whole lot of energy and time on me you think, perhaps try and do something with that energy and time that will help people in the industry instead …. Just a thought.

  13. There’s an old saying, don’t ask a question you don’t already know the answer to. It helps you judge the honesty of the person being asked. You just failed, and I too have had many talks with NLRB, For a long time I was involved in a movement to organize laboratory workers into a union like the nurses union, that is, until I found my dogs leg on the hood of my car.

    This is real politics at a level far above your pay grade. And for the record I have spent THOUSANDS of dollars directly out of my own pocket to personally pay for hundreds, if not thousands of monthly tests for performers, arranged treatment for those who caught diseases much worse than just gonnoreah or chlamydia(cancer from HPV, Pelvic inflamatory disease, throat cancer) I personally paid for dozens of bus tickets home for girls who came to LA without a clue as to what they were getting into, and after all that the industry stiffed me for over $650,000.00. I will put my track record of what I have PERSONALLY done FOR PERFORMERS up against yours any day of the week, and twice on Sundays. PS….I was the guy who wrote that article here on Mike South about AHF and Isadore Hall a full MONTH BEFORE they held their press conference on the steps of AHF, yeah, a month BEFORE. I have worked with and for LATATA, AHF, even Shelley Luben. The grand total of what you know about what is happening in the state of California regarding all these laws, lawsuits, and the future plans of some of the organizations you are speaking with would fit on the head of a pin compared to what I know. Ask Mike Phylissia, youre startin to piss me off. And the reason ALL of this is happening is because several years ago someone just like you said to ME, ‘What are you gonna do about it?” You are now dealing with what I have done about it. Ask Mike about me, he’ll set you straight.

  14. @Melissa
    A doctor owns the testing center. If you are going to be part of a union and make demands it would behoove you to make the demands to the correct people. If the FSC isn’t the union and the IEAU is then why make demands to the FSC? Just operate without them, set up your own testing centers/database, and set up retirement, SS, pensions, on your own.

    Since the FSC isn’t the union you can make all the demands you want and they can simply just say “no”. Don’t waste your breath. Seeing as membership to the union is free I’m not sure how you are going to afford to operate without them which puts you back at step 1: Making demands that no one has to bother listening to.

  15. @jilted

    Have you contacted OSHA with your idea? They’ve already said they want public input to address testing issues. Check the FSC or AHF petition analysis, if not there it’s mentioned in on of the responses.

  16. And Talent Testing Service is a subsidiary of Bio Collections Worldwide. BCW was originally the company that AIM used to collect specimens in Florida back in 2003, when the Florida industry was in its infancy. BCW would draw the blood and Fed Ex it to AIM…..The BCW decided to create a subsidiary company, TTS, to do the testing themselves at their facility(lab) in Florida. TTS is owned by Bio Collections World Wide,,,On every TTS test you see the blurd, Test performed at BCW and gives the adress of the lab, as is required by law. It amazes me how little the self appointed leaders in the industry know about their own system, and where millions of dollars over the years out of the pockets of performers have actually gone. The fact that this union is still talking about getting insurance companies to cover testing is a huge red flag that their is alot of unsmartness leading the charge.

  17. Of course I have, but OSHA has nothing to do with pre employment testing. There are NO LAWS requiring testing, and nothing for OSHA to regulate, until legislation is passed. When I met with them years ago and showed them how I would do this they were flabergasted that the industry wasn’t doing it. We reached out to many producers, and talent, but of course producers couldnt see past tomorrow, and performers didnt have the will to fight the fight.

  18. @jilted1

    We helped friend write brand standards & training manuals to roll out quick care medical services in pharmacies, grocery chains, kiosks and rural mobile offices. The core client base was industries who tried negotiating with health insurers to cover work-related medical services for over ten years. With that in mind watch where you’re rolling cuz I’m ROFLMAO too šŸ™‚

    P.S. one of these days we’ll have to play who can list the most STD again. been too long and folks forget there’s over 30 common STD.

  19. OSHA works under and with DOL/state labor agencies who have regs in place allowing pre-employment testing as long as employer pays. Vaccines are an example of OSHA involvement with pre-employment medical services.

    Shared stakeholder costing would cover producers whether the tests are considered pre-employment or post exposure.

  20. I have heard of horse heads left on people’s beds and I once had a pig’s head left on my truck’s hood in my employer’s parking lot (that one was a practical joke) but (likely) killing someone’s dog and definitely leaving its leg on the hood of its owner’s car is a first. I hope you found out who did it and left his/her dead cat on his/her doorstep. What people will do when they get pissed off at someone.

    May your dog RIP.

  21. Mhariis,
    RIP< rest in pieces,,,,the lab industry really is a multibillion dollar industry, unlike porn, and those folks were serious. Never knew who did it, but they got their point across. As you can see, to this day laboratory workers, unlike nurses are not unionized. PS, Never did find the rest of my dog either.

  22. What ever issue you have with Me little Melissa. Then you need to learn to speak privately. You have my number. Bring it. Cuz all that shit you just wrote must be something you have dreamed up in your head. As an officer you pledged to keep Union business within the Union. And to not show the union any ill reputation. And you also pledge that you will focus all your attention on bettering the lives and working condition to a safer invironment of the people inside this industry. Do you recall that pledge Melissa? How can you say no to prop 60 as an officer of a Union that has made such a pledge? Saying no says that you did not pledge honestly, saying no says you are not FOR safer worker environment. Saying no to any proposition that is for the better safety of the industry in which the officer is a representative of. A UNION of! Strike 3

  23. Ok. Now you know. I got to just ask….. Soooo. “What are you going to do about it?” Set there and wine, saying who is a better person then who? Or. step back up to the plate and use your skills and knowledge of this industry to help better the lives of the ones who come after us? Since you are such a saint. Prove it. And my dog already has three legs so good luck with that one!!!!!! Join now! (Click on the join free button šŸ˜‰

  24. Ok. Now you know. I got to just ask….. Soooo. “What are you going to do about it?” Set there and wine, saying who is a better person then who? Or. step back up to the plate and use your skills and knowledge of this industry to help better the lives of the ones who come after us? Since you are such a saint. Prove it. And my dog already has three legs so good luck with that one!!!!!! Join now! (Click on the join free button šŸ˜‰
    Everyone seems braver when they hide behind a user name that doesn’t tell who they are. I’m Phyllisha fucking Anne. Amanda Gullesserian. You got an issue with me and what I am trying to do the. stop hiding behind a stupid user name and at least have the balls to say who you are.

    And no one should go as low as to threaten someone’s dog. Seriously? That’s just pathetic. Bring it. I’ll even give you my address.

  25. everybody on this page has known who I am for years. My real name has been used dozens of times on this page. Members of your own union have known I participate on this page under this name for years. I didnt threaten anyone’s dog,,,I FOUND MY DOGS leg on the hood of MY car, they did this to me to discourage my efforts to unionize workers;

    And I dont have an issue with YOU,,,I have an issue with the road you are taking this union down, The road you’re on now is a dead end. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of basic priorities for any union. You need to check your ego, and fast. Consider this my first gift of free advice. You want to get real and discuss real topics, Mike has my info.

    And I am no saint. The secrets I have kept to protect this industry make me no saint. Every hear the saying,,Knowing where the bodies are buried,,I do, I’m the one who buried them.

    I have no intention of joining your union. I do not work in the field. If you want some real help, and I have always said I would be willing to give it, you can get my contact info from Mike. But you can check the holier than thow attitude at the door. This isnt about YOU or ME, its about whats better for performers, not the industry, performers. Rule #1, the union should not give a flying fuck what producers say about anyfuckingthing. Unions-us,,procuders-them,,,,this is us vs. them

  26. I am really sorry. I didn’t mean to lash out at you personally at all. I just a little hurt. And I did not mean to take it out on you. Please except my apology.

    As Bill Margold says:

    Take care, and care take.
    Phyllisha Anne

  27. A little hurt can be a good thing every now and then. Give and take. Don’t take my criticism as blind repudiation, take it as a challenge. As Bill Margold says, getting the industry together is like herding cats. Unionizing or creating a guild is the closest thing to impossible to do in this industry,,,close, but NOT impossible, if you don’t put the cart in front of the horse. Its a war, pick your battles, small ones at first, win them, and build on them, while at the same time setting the table(battle field) for the big encounters. Set a simple goal, accomplish it. Set another simple goal, accomplish it. You can’t hit a grand slam until you have the bases loaded. In basketball a team scores 100 points, but they do it 2 points at a time. Thats how a union is built, not by demands, but by showing victories.
    And please dont take my criticism personally either. FACT, you have already gotten further than anyone else ever has in this endevor. BUT, you are the leader, the face of the Union, and you’ll need some pretty thick skin to take this all the way to where it could ultimately go. This is big league politics, big, big league. You don’t get into the big leagues without spending time in the minors, with good coaches. And you don’t stay in the big leagues unless you show a winning record. AHF, OSHA, Dept. of Justice, will use you, chew you up, and spit you out if you’re not prepared. I listened to those tapes, and this is from my heart, you aren’t prepared,,,,,,yet. Mike has my info

  28. Jilted, I didn’t intend that as “rest in pieces” but as “rest in peace”. I apologize for the misunderstanding. If I am missing the joke it is because I have a dog and three cats myself and would be pissed off (and certainly not laughing about it) if I found all but one of their legs missing and the leg that I was able to locate sitting on my car some morning. If someone has a problem with another person it certainly should not be taken out on the family dog, that is for sure.

  29. Regarding your Rule #1, in order to follow it wouldn’t the union have to dissolve it’s DIRECTORS & PRODUCERS chapter? I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again, I think the union covers too many areas. However, since most performers who will have long term careers in the adult industry will be producers and/or directors at some point, it may be appropriate for them to stay.

  30. AmDazed brings up a good point, when a performer is also a producer. It is a performers union, and the union should ALWAYS side with the performer on any issue, like who pays for tests, and what safety measures should be used on set. The union can’t have it both ways and try to protect the “Indutry”. They should protect the performers, and if that means the producers have to pay up, so be it. In my opinion, the union is doing a great disservice by trying to find insurance companies to pay for tests. Aside from the fact that NO INSURANCE COMPANY IS EVER>EVER>ERVER going to pay for a battery of std tests twice a month, it is the PRODUCERS legal responsibility to pay, and THAT is what the union should be pushing with full force…..Any real union would not allow its members to work for any company that violated the law, and violated its members in such a way. That is a no brainer. PS, Condoms are the law right now, always have been. How can a Union allow its members to work for any company that violates the laws meant to protect performers?

  31. Jilted can u please email me … And anyone else who has personal inside help thoughts. Pooling resources, sharing information and learning from each other experiences. [email protected]

    Thank you!

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