Nikki Nova Tangles With A Horse and Apparently Loses:(From her webmaster)

Yesterday we were on a location shooting and Nikki was involved in a serious accident. She was on a horse and the horse got spooked. Nikki fell off the back of the horse and then the horse fell back on her head.

She sustained a few serious injuries. She has a fractured skull and has 3 sections of her brain that are bleeding. She is currently in the ICU and is stabalized for now. She is getting CT Scans every 4 hours or so to check her progress so they can determine if and/or when they would have to go in and operate.

In The This Should Be A Joke But Isn’t Department:

Ex Digital Playground Contract Girl Devon has teamed up with ex Vivid girl Tawny Roberts to form a new production company…OK Harry Weiss I smell a top ten list here top ten names for their new production company…

Im thinkin SNOW FLAKE Productions….

16810cookie-checkNikki Nova Tangles With A Horse and Apparently Loses:(From her webmaster)

Nikki Nova Tangles With A Horse and Apparently Loses:(From her webmaster)

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