Adella, tired of me “Busting her ovaries” sends this:

Mr. South,

My love, since you constantly insist on busting my ovaries, i feel this insatiable need to return your southern charm and offer you some personal empowerment.

If you would prefer not to receive information about Digital Playground, their stars, directors or products, please reply to this email and type “remove” in the subject line.

Mad love.

Now shut up and go celebrate your independence.


WHAT! and lose what few things I have to poke fun at? NO WAY!

OK heres the rub, if you can hoestly tell me that you didn’t crack a smile when you read that I will NEVER EVER “Bust yer ovaries” again, well not with words anyhow…..And BTW we all know that neither Tera or Devon actually HAVE bowel movements, that’s just not the image of a Digital Playground conract girl!

The always loveable

Mike South

3890cookie-checkAdella, tired of me “Busting her ovaries” sends this:

Adella, tired of me “Busting her ovaries” sends this:

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