AB 1576 Amended To Include 14 Day test Cycle And Producers Must Pay For Testing

AB 1576 has been amended to include testing every 14 days and employers have to pay. It hs also been moved to the Labor Committee. Here’s the latest fact sheet:

AB 1576 (Hall) Adult Film Worker Safety

Sponsor: AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Rand Martin, (916) 601-4370
Staff Contact: Brian Duke, (916) 319-2064

Adult film production is a multi-billion dollar industry. California based production of adult films account for the vast majority of this business, employing thousands of Californians and generating millions of dollars in tax revenue.
Workers in agriculture, food service, healthcare, construction and many other industries benefit from stringent work place safety requirements that keep workers’ compensation costs down and ensure a safe environment to earn a living. The adult film industry, given the type of work required, disproportionately exposes actors to a range of health and safety risks. The industry is largely self-regulated and has done an inadequate job of protecting its employees from disease infection.
According to the Los Angeles Department of Public Health (Department), workers in adult films are ten times more likely to be infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD), such as HIV, than the population at large. In 2013, there were up to five documented HIV transmissions of adult film actors, leading to three separate self-imposed yet unenforced production moratoriums.
The result of this unsafe work environment is a public health crisis that would be preventable if reasonable steps were taken to protect these employees in the workplace.
AB 1576 will require adult film industry employers to ensure that a condom or other sexual barrier device is used during the production of an adult film. The bill also clarifies that employers must pay for mandatory STD testing of each actor and that adult film actors must be tested for STDs at least every fourteen days. While AB 1576 requires use of condoms in adult films, the bill does not require condoms to be visible in the film’s final product.
This measure is consistent with recent state and federal court rulings requiring adult film employees to be given the same workplace safety protections enjoyed by employees in every other California industry. AB 1576 will provide statewide uniformity needed to ensure that the thousands of actors employed in this multi-billion dollar industry are given reasonable workplace safety protections needed to reduce exposure to HIV and other communicable diseases.
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (Sponsor)

93260cookie-checkAB 1576 Amended To Include 14 Day test Cycle And Producers Must Pay For Testing

AB 1576 Amended To Include 14 Day test Cycle And Producers Must Pay For Testing

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30 Responses

  1. @Mike

    OSHA regulations taken as a whole does minimize this bill, however the bill as it relates specifically to OSHA 5193 (blood borne pathogens) regulations is nearly a mirror image with the added kick of criminal penalties for non-compliance. This added 14 day testing is in the draft and was part of the industry proposal a few years ago.

  2. No, it was based just on AIMs numbers,,,it did not include all of the other clinics where performers regularly go to get treated “in between” their regular industry tests, so they can keep working with their clean AIM test.

    If it had included all these other place(ever hear of west oaks urgent care) the number would be alot higher. So no its not accurate,,,its way to low. As Sharon Mitchell was quoted as saying, “We are usually up to our asses in chlamydia” which was the understatement of the century.

  3. and like Mike said,,,the industry has NEVER routinely tests for anal or oral stds,,which is the biggest joke of the entire industry system. A system that is DESIGNED to give a false sense of security, as it is nothing more than a harm reduction program.

    If the industry tested for oral and anal stds the number again would be ASTRONOMICLY HIGHER,,,but the truth is something the industry will never expose themselves.

    Can anyone think of a logical reason(other than hiding the true numbers) to not test for oral and anal std’s, cmon, really, one single reason????

  4. Looking into antibiotic resistant gonorreah (AR GC) several different sources cited oral GC as contributory factors in developing AR GC. The gist I got is that our mouths are designed to fight off bugs and organisms we are exposed to in food and undetected GC can mutate to defeat these natural defenses.

  5. A better study is the one they conducted at West Oaks Urgent Care, where they actually tested for oral and anal gonn/chlam. That study showed the astronomical rates, and also highlighted how many infections would be missed by the current industry protocols.(maybe this is that study)

    This is the current philosophy used by testing progra today(and AIM)……They cant test directly for oral and anal stds because the nuber of positive reports they would have to send to the county would just be way to high, and the county would be forced to act. SOOO, if you have a throat or anal std, EVENTUALLY it will be passed to the urinal tract, and then you will test positive and get treated. Usually within one or two testing cycles,,,,meanwhile you just go on spreading the disease you THINK you tested negative for. THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THE CURRENT SYSTEM IS DESIGNED, too bad so many performmers dont even know this.

  6. Someone on a different post was talking about “Europe Disaster”, STDs wise, suggesting SoCal producers to move there for skipping “safety”. Well, guys and gals…everybody i have ever shot with in EU they had tests not older than one week. I know i’m going to shoot with you, i ask for that, you and i do it. We don’t have Osha, Calosha, MatriOsha, FuckOsha: we TRY to use common sense.

  7. Cant wait to see a statement from the FSC regarding the mandate that producers pay for the testing, or is that a violation of their rights too?

    Looks like they have chosen to remain silent, as is their right.

    And havent heard from the usual industry apologists about this part of the bill either…They are like little children when it comes to the things they would rather not see made public,,,hide your head in the sand and repeat,,if i cant see you,,you cant see me. ONLY IN PORN

  8. I want a link to this study :

    “according to the most recent UCLA study done in 2011 the number is 68 times for Chlamydia and 34 times for Gonorrhea with very high numbers of anal and throat infections going undetected for long periods of time.”

  9. http://www.aidshealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/OLQ201418_1.pdf

    take special note of a few things
    1. One major part of the study is to show how many stds are routinely missed because the industry only does a urine sample test
    2, Note how many participants had worked in the industry in the past 30 days,,,and how many of the had oral, anal, or infections in both of these anatomical sites,,,which would not be detected using the current testing in the adult industry.

    During the measure b campaign the No on b, James Lee mistakenly referred to this as an old study that was previously published, of course he was wrong about that.

    This was done at West Oaks Urgent care,,,a facilty OFTEN used by performers to ‘go around” the industry testing system

  10. “ucla 2011 gonorreah study” google search just popped up lots of references. You can also try “UCLA 2011” at CDC. Not sure if the study mike is referencing was started, completed or reported in 2011 though.

  11. Lol read kernes analysis…give him credit for stopping short of hazmat suits.

    This bill is no longer severable…which means they can’t knock out the condoms but keep other stuff.

    It is no longer discriminating against porn because it requires labor agency to identify and create plans for high risk (and other) industries.

    No more excuse that the employer can’t test for HIV…this bill would not only make it legal but required.


    That’s the bill as amended last week.

  12. @d0125,
    Now that youve seen the link to the peer reviewed study I was just wondering if you had any comment on it? Especially on the astronomicly high number of anal and throat infections, which of course the industry does not test for.

  13. @jilted

    Amazing how silent folks can be when they get what they wanted…proof the industry has refused to create and implement an “industry appropriate” method of measuring, and preventing occupational risk.

    If the FSC were evenly remotely interested in performer safety they would have contracted for anatomical swabbing to go with urine and blood testing with test frequency based on realistic transmission rates.

  14. If PERFORMERS were remotely intested in their own health and safety they would demand this of themselves and their partners.

    In this study,,30 of the 47 people who tested positive had worked with in the last 30 days,,,of course they NEVER transmitted their diseases to anyone on set.LOL

    47 out of 168 tested positive, and a large majority tested positive in more than one anatomical site.

  15. Porn star,”In the last ten days I have had unprotected sex with five people, two of them also worked on gay porn sets where nobody was tested, and the other three also do unprotected escort jobs on the side. Eachof those five people have had unprotected sex with five people each in the last week. And tomorrow I am going to have unprotected sex wit two more people. Oh, I forgot to mention, I am very concerned about my own health and the health of the people I have sex with. I went to the industry clinic yesterday but they said the week old test I have is good for another week. Lucky me, I dont have to spend any more money on tests or antibiotics until next week.”

  16. Jilted, that is priceless. Probably a bit of a stretch, but far closer to reality than what FSC and most large producers want to believe.

  17. thanks Toby,,,but it is far from a stretch, This is the everyday reality, and the number of partners in my little story could easily be higher.

    blow job from a porn escort $100
    Vaginal sex from the escort $300
    ANal sex from the escort $500

    Testing negative at the clinic the next week,,,Priceless(but not likely)

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