AB 1576 Moved To Suspense

Assembly Man Hall presented AB1576 to the committee and AHF echoed that it would not exceed the cap.  The general thought was that the bill would go into suspense but the push is to pass it on review next week.

Cameron Bay and others spoke in support of the bill, including UCLA and others.

Opposition was Loreli Lee who had a petition signed by performers. and claimed that APAC has come out in opposition to the bill.  She claimed the bill would degrade current protocols, she lied and said that there has not been a single on set transmission in ten years (no way she could know that the truth would be we dont think we have had an on set transmission), she also mentioned the job loss possibilities.

Next was an attorney claiming that the bill would be too costly and that businesses would leave the state.  Said a 30M dollar company transferred operations out of state but didnt say which company, presumably this is the same as the 20 million dollar company they said moved during the last hearing.

The guy from LGBT Community came out against it because it didnt allow for people to refuse to test at all.  Not sure how that applies at this point.

For all the opposition that supposedly opposes the bill there were exactly NO A B or even C list performers in opposition to the bill, except Veruca James and Annaka Albright. On the flip side no big name performers supported it either.

Finance had no feelings one way or the other (no file)

Mister Hall made a closing plea, stating that adult employees should the same protections as any other employees in any other industry.

The result was that the bill was moved to the suspense file for review next week.  It is FAR from dead.






107710cookie-checkAB 1576 Moved To Suspense

AB 1576 Moved To Suspense

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2 Responses

  1. Noticed a few interesting tid bits…

    Lorelie Lee had a better handle on her script including numerous additions intended to skew past hurdles.

    Karen Tynan introduced herself as repping FSC and prefaced company’s moving out of state by mentioning meeting with Chair privately. Is she now a FSC lobbyist?

    Aaron Fox for the LA LGBT (with add on letter support by AIDS Project LA and Project Inform San Francisco tried to hammer home legislated mandatory HIV testing with only time this was approved being 1976 for MMA.

    Too bad he isn’t aware of OSHA policy ….including regs like ‘known infected can’t be forced to test’

    Diane Duke intro repping FSC and ?? Pleasure novelties…did she get a new job or title?

    Then there were 29 folks who stepped up to mike in opposition. Three of them tag-lined name with APAC.

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