Mark Kernes On Politics and Neal Boortz

Another thing I noted in the January AVN was Mark Kernes screed on how people in the adult biz should vote.

The same Mark Kernes who refuses to vote Libertarian because its a “wasted vote” is urging people to vote for Dennis Kucinch….Ummm right……

He also takes my personal friend Neal Boortz to task because Boortz made the proclamation that Bill Clinton had been convicted of perjury. Now while Bill Clinton was not technically convicted of perjury he was disbarred and impeached for it, a fine line I know.

Kernes goes on to call Boortz a “conservative” and “right wing” talk show host.  Anyone who has listened to Neal knows that he is a right leaning Libertarian, and has been the keynote speaker at the Libertarian national convention for two of the last three conventions.  Neal has probably done more for Libertarian causes than anyone.

What Kernes fails to point out is that Neal is a first amendment absolutist who has repeatedly defended the adult industry, inculding controverial decisions by the courts on virtual child pornography, 2257 and COPA, to name a few.

Neal has had me as a guest on the show on many occasions  and has referenced me on too many to count, even once stating that I was one of the two most charismatic people he had ever met (the other was Bill Clinton)

Kernes further excoriates Boortz for his criticism on McCain Feingold which would require privately owned radio stations to balance their programming with both conservative and liberal programming.  What Mr Kernes doesn’t bother to tell you is that he wants the free market of radio to become socialized and placed under government control.  you see Liberal talk radio has been tried many times and every time it is a dismal failure, most recently “Air America” comes to mind.  The people who listen to talk radio simply aren’t interested in hearing the likes of Al Franken, they voted with their wallets, and it’s that simple.  Why would you advocate forcing someone who owns a radio station to have to offer programming that loses money? That isn’t American, it’s socialist.

While I personally think Sean Hannity is a right wing sycophant and essentially a bully, I don’t advocate that if you own a radio station and you air Hannity that you should be forced to lose money for the same amount of time by airing Al Franken.

To sum it up Kernes would be better served by actually knowing what he writes about before writing about it. Boortz is not right about everything, but he is much more a friend to this industry than Dennis Kucinich and he is much more well spoken when speaking about this industry than Mark Kernes.

18080cookie-checkMark Kernes On Politics and Neal Boortz

Mark Kernes On Politics and Neal Boortz

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2 Responses

  1. Boortz has changed,he minds well be republican. I think there should be opposite sides of thought on the air. I think it gives one group way too much power when going from station to station and its all the same thought.Actually Al Franken did well for air america it was the rest of the lineup. Actually it was fun to watch Franken catch Boortz in a lie and watch him try to dance around it.

  2. Mike you are right.
    BoortZ has been a friend of this industry for a long time. He used to be a regular and had his own forum on my BBS.

    I bet he still has the GonZoland baseball cap!

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