Riddle Me This:

Hey Mike, riddle me this: I thought the porn biz was on a sixty day moratorium? I also thought that people from the second generation weren’t supposed to work until the first generation has cleared. At least that’s what AIM says on their website. So I am wondering, why are people getting cleared from the quarantine list so quickly? Is it because AIM (being the non-profit agency they are) is tired of footing the bills for these tests? I read somewhere that most of the money collected for the porn stars went to AIM for medical costs. Hmmm…. This whole scenario seems a bit fishy to me. It’s not all adding up, Mike. I’ll bet there will be a big fuck-up over this, watch and see.


P.S. I missed the Lara Roxx interview, but I guess that was okay because I am not very fond of retching anyway. As always, I love your site Mike. I look forward to your insight everyday.




Thanks Jenn, yer probably right….And ya AIM is acting very irresponsibly but whats new there? It surprised me as well that AIM is the one getting all the money being raised to help the pornstars….doesn’t that just figure? Oh well its pretty much a moot point now anyway, it’s only a matter of time before AIM gives way to the L.A. County Board of Health and OSHA.

Tampa Show “04”

Is getting a pretty good line up, you can check out the particulars and who is coming at www.tampashow.com Patricia Kennedy is coming I’m told…wonder how that happened?

Going North Eh?

I’m headed for Toronto today, will return on Thursday. Guess who else is in Toronto this week, Adella and Jesse Jane. Imagine that co-inky-dink.

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Riddle Me This:

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Mike South

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