Happy Anniversary Tim and Felicia

Last year Hurricane Ike came right up the Mississippi and the Ohio and then the Great Miami and blew through SW Ohio.  Many at the nuptials joked that it was really Hurricane FiFi.  While the outside world literally was crashing around those of us attending the event . . . they kept on keepin’ on and even the forces of nature couldn’t change their course.  Congrats my friends!

29130cookie-checkHappy Anniversary Tim and Felicia

Happy Anniversary Tim and Felicia

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7 Responses

  1. I know it’s about a little late but you’ll have to excuse me for not keeping up with things. I had my fiances funeral this week. So it’s very belated but happy anniversary. You guys are a great couple and are so lucky to be able to spend your lives together. I’m happy everything is working out for you both. XOXO -Kelly, Fort Lauderdale, FL

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