Attorney General Nominee Argued For Dismissal Of An Obscenity Case

A “dial-a-porn” service and the New York Daily News are among companies Michael Mukasey, President Bush’s choice for attorney general, has listed as former legal clients in documents turned over to senators who will decide whether to confirm him.Responding to questions posed by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the former federal judge said he also quit a private club that refused to admit women.

The 50-page document, a routine form filled out by presidential nominees, was released Tuesday by the committee. No date has been set for Mukasey’s confirmation hearings.

Mukasey, who served as a federal judge from 1988 to 2006, listed the pornography and Daily News cases as two of the 10 “most significant litigated matters” in which he had been involved while in private practice.

In the document, Mukasey said he was part of the defense team for a dial-up porn service against charges of interstate transportation of obscene materials. The case was litigated in 1987, before he was appointed to the federal bench.

“I directed the strategy and legal research, drafted major portions of the papers and gave the principal argument in support of the motion to dismiss the indictment,” Mukasey wrote.

All of you people who think Democrats are friends of porn…watch them run with this one….

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Attorney General Nominee Argued For Dismissal Of An Obscenity Case

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