A New Record Has Been Set:

The most hate mail ever came as a result of the Steve Irwin Story, I swear I could have killed a porn chick on screen and not gotten as much reaction Between GFY and my site heres a few:

Microchick Writes:

You dumb shit, disrespectful son of a bitch.
Shut the fuck up.

As a true nature lover, HA, why didn’t you state your high and mighty thoughts while the man was alive. He cared about animals. Sure, he was a showman, but he opened avenues of discovery to the masses.

What the hell do you do except sell porn and act like the asshole you are.

You repulse me.

and Microchick is so mad she writes AGAIN:

You are a *15 minutes of fame* cretin.

Even on GFY, assholes can go too far. You have crossed that line. The man was loved by many, and he has left behind a wife and two children who loved/love him dearly.

My God, how crude are you. Keep your sick thoughts on your blog. You sound like one of the white trash mountain men I knew growing up in the MidWest. You don’t care who gets hurt by your thoughtless comments.

Sleep well tonight, you piece of shit.

Todd Writes:

What makes you such a real outdoorsmen? And did you ever consider dickweed that the only way you KNOW so much about animals is because people like this guy risk something to figure it out. Douche

LOLD Writes:

whether he was an idiot and got what he deserved or not… one thing he has up on you this…
he was rich, famous, and loved by many
you… well you’re just a piece of shit porn peddling “i’ll talk smack about someone whos dead” shitstain in the underwear of society… you will never amount to ANYTHING he did, yet you still think you’re better then him

we laugh at you.

Aico Writes:

You’re an idiot, love to see you say he deserved it to his wife and kids, or pretty much anyone in Australia for that matter.

What a fucking pussy you must be to say some shit like that from the safety of your computer. Your parents must be proud.

Songrider Writes:

What a fucking dumbass you are.

Steve didnt “play” with animals. He worked to protect them and educate people about them.

He jumped on the backs of crocs & grabbed deadly snakes in an effort to move them from people or populated areas or in some way help the animal or educate people without using drugs which could kill them. And he damn well knew what he was doing because THAT never killed him.

He also brought awareness to millions about those animals that we endangered and also VERY dangerous. THAT’S called EDUCATING people on wild animals. He NEVER once said “go do what I do for the hell of it”.

How the fuck do you think YOU know whats deadly and what isnt? It’s because of people like him that have taught people over the years.

And what finally got him was a complete accident…. and if you would look into it just a little bit you would find that it happens to divers ALOT. But most times isn’t fatal. It was where he got hit that killed him.

And just because he had compassion for the animals doesent mean that he thought they had compassion for him. He respected there right to live and die without causing them harm.

The outpouring of sympathy is from people that are smart enough to understand why he did what he did.

So its perfectly understandable why you don’t.

Tony Writes:

A few things he become famous on TV because he played with danger, thats what viewing public wants to see. So there must of been pressure on him to do things more over the top. Its funny people blame him for being reckless but when working in a industry where is its proven condoms are the only real protection against HIV but the industry doesn’t use them because the public doesnt want to see it. Are we really much different from poor Steve?

SilverTab Writes:

so, the core of your “theory” is that since he was doing something dangerous, he deserved to die?? what really made him “deserve” death??

There is a difference between saying “It was likely to happen considering what he was doing” And “He deserved to die”…Deserving to die mean you were doing something so wrong that had a negative impact of such importance that you just don’t deserve to live….child rapist…serial killers…etc…

Irwin was saving crocs, manipulating dangerous animals for his documentaries/tv shows, taking care of his zoo, hugging snakes etc..sure some may consider it stupid..I mean there is a risk involved, no one is denying that…still, I can think of several people who “deserve” more to die just right now…

Roberta Writes:

(or God… I guess) It’s so nice of you to explain your creation and all of it’s qualities so eliquently to us.
…aren’t you the guy who is so public about degrading women too? I guess you are an expert on how we feel too. …or maybe we don’t really have feelings either.!?!??
Hammer Writes:

So Mike, why don’t you give his widow and his two small children a call and tell them that their husband and father was a fool and got what he deserved, asshole.

Useless Writes:

It’s not as if Irwin was bringing harm to these animals. The man was one of the greatest conservationalists EVER and his objective was to teach us all about the beauty and danger of the wildlife he interacted with.

Hammer writes back and apologizes for calling me an asshole….My response:

No worries Hammer…I been called a lot worse and in truth I can be an asshole and maybe I am on this one. It’s OK I can cop to that.

I like to write or speak and make people think about things…or get them passionate.

The funny thing is that what I wrote wasn’t incorrect and I suspect few would disagree that emulating Steve in the wild is asking for trouble. Remember the line about leaving only your footprints?

The thing everyone got upset with was because I referred to a dead guy as a dumbass, a dumb motherfucker and a moron and said he deserved what he got.

OK lets toss the incendiary labels. I have seen the mans show I have seen and read interviews with him and he has been bitten, stung, attacked, kicked and everything else many times and he always said he deserved it, so I doubt even Steve would disagree that he deserved what he got…I don’t claim to speak for the man but he has generally done enough of it on his own.

As for the rest of the comments Im gonna leave em unanswered.

BY The way I had a LOT of emails and comments that agreed with my position if not the way I said it, but I like to give equal time here. I like people who disagree.

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A New Record Has Been Set:

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