XBiz Clarification On .XXX

XBiz contacted me to set the record straight, they claim they have never supported .xxx and have never and will never accept advertising from ICM registry or anyone else selling .xxx domains.


I’m going to research this and reserve the right to comment after I do so

57950cookie-checkXBiz Clarification On .XXX

XBiz Clarification On .XXX

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2 Responses

  1. The only (ONLY) reference that ICM could make to ICANN to show “community” support was a stupid Xbiz poll. On the poll it showed that something like 75% of the people who voted supported .xxx domain. Which we all know is bullshit. Xbiz and Helmy allowed the poll to stay on the site and later to be used as “evidence” of community support. While at the same time a similar poll ran on GFY with like 10% of the people voting in favor of it. We all know the xbiz poll was total bullshit.

    You also have Helmy being tied to the ASACP and being listed as a member on their tax returns as recent as a few years ago, while all along he claimed that he had nothing to do with them. Ironically enough, ASACP, Joan and Jimmy V all used ASACP to help try to get .xxx approved. I am sure Helmy had nothing to do with that as well.

  2. Mike here is some good reads…


    Taken from the sworn testimony by Stuart Lawley, in the INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR DISPUTE RESOLUTION.

    ICM Registry, LLC, Claimant, v. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”), Respondent.

    PAGE 275:

    QUOTE: Sponsorship issues because that was the only thing that the report had failed us on. Sponsorship. So we were explaining what our community was, as I am hopefully doing to you gentlemen today, and how we got the support. And we showed them — one of their leading publications in the adult space as a group called X-biz with a news web site. They had run a poll amongst the wider industry to say, what do you think of, you know, .xxx and 22% of the respondents said — 22% said horrible idea. Hate it. About 57% said, yeah, we think it’s a good idea, and 17% said really we don’t give two hoots either way. /QUOTE much more info there.

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