censor, n. [L. censere, to judge] an official with the power to examine literature, mail, etc. and remove or prohibit anything considered obscene, objectionable, etc. — vt to act as a censor of (a book, etc.) — censorship, n
Re: Pete Pelletier ([email protected])
Dear Mike:
As you already know, I spend a little time on the internet. I read a few newsgroups, check out the porn gossip pages twice a day or so, handle the massive amounts of email I get from my weekly KSEX show and try to hack into various government websites. It’s rare, I think, to find anything perfect in this life, especially where the online world is concerned…but I think you’ve finally gone and done it.
You have, by all appearances, discovered an example of The Perfect Jackass.
Censorship? Did this hydrocephalic tick turd actually accuse you of CENSORSHIP, of all things, simply because you wouldn’t run one of his poorly written, idiot fanboy press releases?!?! For God’s sake, I have now heard it all — I have had it up to HERE with morons like this — my faith in humanity is at an absolute end, and I’m crawling back into the primordial muck from whence I slithered.
The word “Censorship”, for those who actually know and care something about free speech in this country, rings a much more ominous tone than this petty little non-situation merits. KTLA, here in Los Angeles, has several news programs…all of whom are covering Mary Carey’s “campaign”…so, since they obviously have covered adult industry news in the past, would this mental midget accuse them of “censorship” for not covering Leanna Hart’s dance schedule? How about Bill O’Reilly? Bill Maher? Why aren’t they covering Leanna’s dance schedule? By god, it must be that demon censorship again.
Way to go, Mike…you’ve now become part of the Establishment, trodding on the rights of the little people. Good job. This guy is obviously an idiot. Flush him and let’s get on with more important stories, like when Ron Jeremy raped me behind Bennigan’s at last year’s Tampa Show.
Yours in hell,
Tim Case
Pete Pelletier Come Down and Get Your Dumb Fuck of the Month Award:

Pete Pelletier JackAss O the Month
This all started when this guy tried to get me to run a very poorly written press release about a washed up ex-porn chick named Leanna Hart and I told him I don’t do press releases send it to AVN.
His response:
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 16:14:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pete Pelletier <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: New updated Leeanna Heart appearance info!!!
To: Mike South <[email protected]>
Then what’s with the press release from Jacklyn Lick, another Universal Entertainment feature??
The 1st page on your site says “Adult Industry News”. This falls under News.
To which I replied:
Jackie sent a FUNNY press release…big diff…disguise yer press release in a funny story and its a done deal.
Oh and BTW I decide whats news and what aint on mikesouth.com.
You may appeal it to a higher authority and if God calls down to me from heaven and says run the lame ass thing from Pete Pelletier I will reconsider.
Pete replies:
It’s actually a press release I put together as a fan & friend of Leeanna’s. Since you feel that giving Leeanna Heart some publicity (which she NEVER gets from you) is a waste of your time, then I guess emailing you is a waste of my time (Especially since Gene Ross, Luke Ford (setgo.com), Kevin Moore (stunningcurves.com), Terri Redor (thefloatingworld.com)) have the press release ALREADY & feel that it’s good enough to post.
And my response:
Further reason NOT to run it…if they all ran it then be happy about it.
ever wonder why Leanna gets no PR from me?…She doesnt do any fucking thing PR worthy…some might call that a blessing….never fear you will get PR tomorrow but I dont think its exactly what you had in mind.
And Pete writes:
If I ran a website & you asked me to post something even though you also posted it to other people, I’d still run it to help you out & disseminate your news as widely as possible. Since it appears you flunked out of “How to Sharpen a Pencil” class in Public Relations 101, I’ll have to remember to NEVER, EVER pick up a Mike South tape or DVD & to tell all Leeanna’s fans to also boycott your product and website.
And Me:
Start your own website then pal. tell em whatever ya want.
And Pete:
You think you’re going to jerk me over tomorrow?? That’s fine. I’ve already got the wheels of “the MikeSouth boycott” rolling.
So now I do a little checking….This fucking twit isn’t even a mikesouth.com member nor has he ever been one. but he seems to think that he has some divine right to dictate to me what is porn news and what isn’t. I have meet some dumb fucks in my life but Pete Pelletier, you take the cake bro. BTW I never saw your release on any other sites. I did see an upsurge in hits today from something called theeroticreview.com I take it you are responsible for that so thanks for the boycott announcement there, please post it other places too OK.
Mostly mikesouth.com readers are highly intelligent, I think you guys prove that in your writings to me and as such I don’t want Pete to be coming to this site, I hope he stops forever, he is just too fucking stupid to be reading this site, I think he would feel more at home reading…a McGuffey Reader.
So I guess I lost all of Leanna’s fans…and counting Pete and Leanna (who I am pretty sure doesn’t read this site) I’m down 2 readers.
On The Other Hand Leanna if you do read this site and want to disassociate yourself from this moron gimme a shout and I will run your response unabridged.
OK Nuff said
938150cookie-checkTim Case Sides With Me and Accuses Ron Jeremy of Rape:no
Tim Case Sides With Me and Accuses Ron Jeremy of Rape:
censor, n. [L. censere, to judge] an official with the power to examine literature, mail, etc. and remove or prohibit anything considered obscene, objectionable, etc. — vt to act as a censor of (a book, etc.) — censorship, n
Re: Pete Pelletier ([email protected])
Dear Mike:
As you already know, I spend a little time on the internet. I read a few newsgroups, check out the porn gossip pages twice a day or so, handle the massive amounts of email I get from my weekly KSEX show and try to hack into various government websites. It’s rare, I think, to find anything perfect in this life, especially where the online world is concerned…but I think you’ve finally gone and done it.
You have, by all appearances, discovered an example of The Perfect Jackass.
Censorship? Did this hydrocephalic tick turd actually accuse you of CENSORSHIP, of all things, simply because you wouldn’t run one of his poorly written, idiot fanboy press releases?!?! For God’s sake, I have now heard it all — I have had it up to HERE with morons like this — my faith in humanity is at an absolute end, and I’m crawling back into the primordial muck from whence I slithered.
The word “Censorship”, for those who actually know and care something about free speech in this country, rings a much more ominous tone than this petty little non-situation merits. KTLA, here in Los Angeles, has several news programs…all of whom are covering Mary Carey’s “campaign”…so, since they obviously have covered adult industry news in the past, would this mental midget accuse them of “censorship” for not covering Leanna Hart’s dance schedule? How about Bill O’Reilly? Bill Maher? Why aren’t they covering Leanna’s dance schedule? By god, it must be that demon censorship again.
Way to go, Mike…you’ve now become part of the Establishment, trodding on the rights of the little people. Good job. This guy is obviously an idiot. Flush him and let’s get on with more important stories, like when Ron Jeremy raped me behind Bennigan’s at last year’s Tampa Show.
Yours in hell,
Tim Case
Pete Pelletier Come Down and Get Your Dumb Fuck of the Month Award:
Pete Pelletier JackAss O the Month
This all started when this guy tried to get me to run a very poorly written press release about a washed up ex-porn chick named Leanna Hart and I told him I don’t do press releases send it to AVN.
His response:
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 16:14:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pete Pelletier <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: New updated Leeanna Heart appearance info!!!
To: Mike South <[email protected]>
Then what’s with the press release from Jacklyn Lick, another Universal Entertainment feature??
The 1st page on your site says “Adult Industry News”. This falls under News.
To which I replied:
Jackie sent a FUNNY press release…big diff…disguise yer press release in a funny story and its a done deal.
Oh and BTW I decide whats news and what aint on mikesouth.com.
You may appeal it to a higher authority and if God calls down to me from heaven and says run the lame ass thing from Pete Pelletier I will reconsider.
Pete replies:
It’s actually a press release I put together as a fan & friend of Leeanna’s. Since you feel that giving Leeanna Heart some publicity (which she NEVER gets from you) is a waste of your time, then I guess emailing you is a waste of my time (Especially since Gene Ross, Luke Ford (setgo.com), Kevin Moore (stunningcurves.com), Terri Redor (thefloatingworld.com)) have the press release ALREADY & feel that it’s good enough to post.
And my response:
Further reason NOT to run it…if they all ran it then be happy about it.
ever wonder why Leanna gets no PR from me?…She doesnt do any fucking thing PR worthy…some might call that a blessing….never fear you will get PR tomorrow but I dont think its exactly what you had in mind.
And Pete writes:
If I ran a website & you asked me to post something even though you also posted it to other people, I’d still run it to help you out & disseminate your news as widely as possible. Since it appears you flunked out of “How to Sharpen a Pencil” class in Public Relations 101, I’ll have to remember to NEVER, EVER pick up a Mike South tape or DVD & to tell all Leeanna’s fans to also boycott your product and website.
And Me:
Start your own website then pal. tell em whatever ya want.
And Pete:
You think you’re going to jerk me over tomorrow?? That’s fine. I’ve already got the wheels of “the MikeSouth boycott” rolling.
So now I do a little checking….This fucking twit isn’t even a mikesouth.com member nor has he ever been one. but he seems to think that he has some divine right to dictate to me what is porn news and what isn’t. I have meet some dumb fucks in my life but Pete Pelletier, you take the cake bro. BTW I never saw your release on any other sites. I did see an upsurge in hits today from something called theeroticreview.com I take it you are responsible for that so thanks for the boycott announcement there, please post it other places too OK.
Mostly mikesouth.com readers are highly intelligent, I think you guys prove that in your writings to me and as such I don’t want Pete to be coming to this site, I hope he stops forever, he is just too fucking stupid to be reading this site, I think he would feel more at home reading…a McGuffey Reader.
So I guess I lost all of Leanna’s fans…and counting Pete and Leanna (who I am pretty sure doesn’t read this site) I’m down 2 readers.
On The Other Hand Leanna if you do read this site and want to disassociate yourself from this moron gimme a shout and I will run your response unabridged.
OK Nuff said
Tim Case Sides With Me and Accuses Ron Jeremy of Rape:
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