Tiffany Mynx fuming mad over imposter:

We all know that strip club owners are generally thought of as being about the lowest form of life on earth, but a club in Pittsburg has sunk to an all time low. The club advertised Tiffany Mynx as the headliner for this week and packed the house, problem was Tiffany wasn’t within 2500 miles of Pittsburg and she never even knew she had the booking, which in reality she didn’t. The club used photos of a house dancer who vaguely resembled Tiffany and they tried to pass this girl off as the real thing. Club patrons who paid the door fee to get in lined up demanding their money back and the real Tiffany says she is “speaking with her attorney”.

Supposedly there are other big name girls coming to this club, I would be suspect If I were going there to see one of them, I won’t give the club free advertising here

3910cookie-checkTiffany Mynx fuming mad over imposter:

Tiffany Mynx fuming mad over imposter:

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