Mike South

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Mike South

Vice Industry Token Launches Touchit.Social

While everyone is busy talking about Tumblr banning porn as of next week, Vice Industry Token (VIT) announced the launch of their new social media blogging platform TouchIt.Social. It works

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Vice Industry Token Officially Launches Today!

Vice Industry Token Officially Launches Today!

Today is the day that Vice Industry Token (VIT) launches its first website, Touch.tube. On September 5th (that’s today) at 1:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Touch.tube will officially launch, allowing fans for the first time

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Tube8 Adopts Vice Industry Token (VIT) and Will Soon Pay Users to View and Interact With XXX Videos  
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Tube8 Gets Tokenized

Tube8 users will soon be able to earn VIT tokens while watching and interacting with Tube8 videos via likes, shares, and comments Tube8, a leading adult entertainment platform, today announced

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