Stormy Daniels Creates a Storm At The Grammys


Apparently the fashion police didn’t like her dress but gotta give it to Stormy she is everywhere because of it. E! even did a segment on her, She was on Jay Leno last night…

What’s surprising is that Wicked hasn’t said a word, so they are either waiting for AVN to run their press release before they send it to anyone else or they are simply sitting on their ass when it comes to PR opportunities.

Can you imagine the press releases coming from Adella if this were one of Digital Playgrounds girls? My email box would be filled hourly.

WTF is up with Wicked anyhow?

Congrats Stormy I see big things in your future and they don’t involve the name “Wicked”

18960cookie-checkStormy Daniels Creates a Storm At The Grammys

Stormy Daniels Creates a Storm At The Grammys

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One Response

  1. Stormy looked hot on Jay Leno.

    She is a great for the industry.

    Thanks Stormy and keep up the mainstream crossovers!


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