Louie Smalls Recklessness Inspires FSC-PASS ‘Gonorrhea Advisory’ To Adult Performers #StopTheDrip

The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) issued an industry-wide “gonorrhea advisory” to industry talent Tuesday. The advisory comes on the heels of revelations of the recklessness of disgraced Hussie Models talent Louie Smalls, who showed up to shoot before he was cleared of gonorrhea/chlamydia by new test.

FSC PASS clearance greatly reduces the risk of potential exposure to STIs—there has not been a single incident of HIV transmission on an FSC PASS regulated set—but like all sexual health prevention measures it does not entirely eliminate risk.

FSC has seen some reports from performers on Twitter that there may have been a gonorrhea infection of at least one performer who has recently had sex in scenes. FSC wants all performers to know that gonorrhea is highly infectious, and you can transmit the infection almost immediately after acquiring it—even if you have no symptoms.

Performers who are knowingly exposed to a potential infection have an ethical obligation to minimize the spread, and it is our responsibility as a community to help people understand the best ways to do that.

If you think you have been potentially exposed to an STI like gonorrhea, follow these best practices:

* Cancel your future shoots for at least the next week, and do not reschedule until you have been retested.

* Tell your doctor or clinic and seek treatment immediately. Note: You are not immediately cleared to work after your treatment. You can still be potentially infectious for up to a week.

* Contact any recent sexual partners and let them know they may have been exposed to an STI, and that they should contact their doctor for treatment.

* Get retested about a week after your treatment.

He's Got The Drip: 'Loser' Louie Smalls Called Out For Working with Gonnorhea

If you believe you have been exposed and endangered by the recklessness by Louie Smalls or anyone else, or have any questions about FSC PASS or performer health, please do not hesitate to contact them and they will be happy to provide answers and walk you through potential solutions.

Go to FSC’s website or call 818-348-9373.

Louie Smalls Recklessness Inspires FSC-PASS 'Gonorrhea Advisory' To Adult Performers #StopTheDrip

536640cookie-checkLouie Smalls Recklessness Inspires FSC-PASS ‘Gonorrhea Advisory’ To Adult Performers #StopTheDrip

Louie Smalls Recklessness Inspires FSC-PASS ‘Gonorrhea Advisory’ To Adult Performers #StopTheDrip

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2 Responses

  1. Karma, this is the favorite news site for all of Porn Valley and Chatsworth. Of course FSC members and probably employees read this site, right after getting up in the morning with their Kahula and coffee or vodka and OJ. Holly Randall probably reads this site with a cup of espresso since she doesn’t drink. 🙂

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