2 New Gonorrhea Cases…In Porn This Time It’s Antibiotic Resistant

Just when I thought it’d be a slow week….heres what i know so far

This is a bad story. I am hearing that there are two new gonorrhea cases one a female in Los Angeles, the second a male who is currently in Florida. I’m not sure if the two cases are related but they likely are and this time it’s an antibiotic resistant gonorreah.

Both tested positive about three weeks ago, took meds, and are still positive.

Both were given another round of antibiotics, and both insisted that they were not having contact with anybody, and still coming up positive.

Both cases have been reported to the CDC.

Between the two of them they had contact with 12 females, and 4 male performers, and an unknown number of private contacts.

The industry should declare a moratorium until ALL performers are tested.

88140cookie-check2 New Gonorrhea Cases…In Porn This Time It’s Antibiotic Resistant

2 New Gonorrhea Cases…In Porn This Time It’s Antibiotic Resistant

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49 Responses

  1. The good news here, if you’re the porn industry, is that this is breaking over the Thanksgiving weekend. No one will be reporting on anything save turkeys and parades until next week.

    A female in Los Angeles is bad news, especially if she has been an active performer. Given the numbers you mention, it sounds like the male is patient zero, who did a number of scenes with females before high tailing it back to Florida.

  2. I’ve been warning you all about this for over two years!!! And now here it is!!! There’s gonna be a hot time in the old town tonite! And condoms could have prevented it sooooo easily!

  3. Shit keeps hiting fan for porn indusrty. This year gone end on bleak note for porn indusrty. Bad news those that where hope pray for no condoms in porn indusrty your prayer are sink faster than when titanic stuck iceberg. There is gone be no magic pill or miracle shot take stop STD out break. To those say well if thing get bad well just go Florida shot porn well guess what this gone make thing hard make porn there. If think Las Vegas not looking at this event think on what mean for them think again. Word wise untill mess sort out would go make porn right now it does matter where you think may be safe to when have no clue got this. This is common cold right now there no way shot or pill well prevent you from getting unless not have sex with people have it.

  4. How is this a surprise to anyone? It was rampant in the UK. The UK girls are then brought in by Derek Hay / LA Direct Models and work with US based talent and yes, by work I also mean do lots of private and “mandatory” cam shows. So it was only a matter of time before something like this happened.

    Bluebird Films brought in 7 girls to the US, worked with several US based talent on a group sex scene and the UK girls all were untested.

    It was only revealed after a group sex scene that one of the UK girls under contract with Bluebird Films did in fact have gonorrhea. Why don’t you ask your good friend Derek Hay about that?

  5. BTW I know theres an issue with the comments pluing jetpack ginking up and adding recent posts to the top they are aware of it…soon as its fixed itll be installed til then just scroll down

    TY all

  6. Hey Kelli do not be surpise if Mike or Derek Hay do not respond your comment. It seem Derek Hay takes cues from FSC when comes matter such as this only responds to them with press release that does have answer questions to over this matter or not at all. Mike well not blame Derek Hay over this matter becuase good friends so he well not ask Derek Hay why he did what you said Derek Hay did. This what happens when have porn indusrty so bussy looking other way on matters importanc to when ever one so bussy pretend this disasters do not happen in indusrty live in total state denial when they do happen. You can tell this people many times like this was gone happen untill happens they well not beleave you. I well cause ever one on this great fact checker Mike post story like this have been factually about this matter in past. So wait see what details develop from it. I still be cause over matter. So far information from event is to fresh draw any opion who fault it is if this event real. So people be wise fact fact check story.

  7. I will be completely disregarding any moratorium as I am the self-proclaimed hub of all porn. I have changed my name to Brooke Black. From now on, I make all the rules. I hereby pass a porn law that all performers will be responsible and only fuck on film and never fuck off set. Wait…that’s as stupid as the person who originally thought that up. Next new, new law. I will have performers sign an agreement to only fuck on set without a condom. Under the penalty of porn banishment…maybe…all performers must use a condom off of set. Unless it’s Sunday. Then that’s OK. Tuesdays will probably be OK as well. We can hash that out later…but for now, Sundays and Tuesdays are good. Further I decree all producers will subsidize the performer’s medical bills with coupons from the Sunday paper or 15 DVDs…whichever is more valuable. Coupons will probably win here. Cereal box coupons are awesome, especially BOGO’s (buy one get one). Anyone who does test positive will then be required to take another test as to which we will then declare that they really weren’t positive…completely…just kind of. From now on, that is how things will be handled. This is how I propose to end STDs in porn. My name is Brooke, and I am running for a seat on the FSC :-)) I was going to say wear a rubber but apparently they cost to much.

  8. Wow! Surprise..Surprise! This is what happens when people aren’t smart enough to wear condoms!
    Between this, Derek Hay, Alex Gonz, and the pedophile…What an industry!

  9. My favrita one run blog site that tell porn indusrty that want safer work environment for porn stars. How ever I well not question those in porn indusrty that say ok for porn star work in 250 porn movies that had dease that active becuase he said he was sorry it was ok do so. I well not make big deal about pedophilia funding the FSC becuase well nothing goes well get support for porn indusrty like have pedophilia in ranks funding it. I well not post any thing negative on my blog site about Derek Hay god knows if have defend bad thing he done in porn indusrty much much eayser not to pretend only does good thing for indusrty. I well tell ever one in porn indusrty it safe work with dease porn star after all pricey treat meant for dease well cure you just trial stages no has any idea if works. I well tell ever one Rob Black full of it yet I well offer nothing resolve issue porn keeps facing. I love game BrookeTyler let play some more.

  10. @Richard

    Do you want to hear that Hay showed up in LA from UK trading on whoever he brought with, then added more and more, building a large agency…added second office n NV as a back up plan to save his agency and cash flows (lifestyle ) when things started looking really bad in LA?

    That long before he bought his house he likely had corporate structuring in place intended to shield not only corp assets but his personal assets too?

    That trading talent internationally isn’t anything new and Hay sure as shit didn’t invent it…don’t hear too much nowadays about cargo containers in the US..in the 70’s they got smart and started using yachts…I can personally tell you..my father walked away from a big ass yacht when hired captain hit a sandbar after a hurricane headed down to Florida…he made his money off that boat…for us it was just cool to cruise Hudson and watch Fourth of July fireworks, big ass family parties..the geezer lawyer put the boat into a corp…it was insured.

    As interesting and damning as these stories are…they don’t mean shit. Picking battles means choosing what’s important…to me, it’s an organization of stakeholders saying one thing and doing another behind the scenes legally.

    There’s a reason I’m not in the industry…same reason other people’s kids aren’t. You couldn’t pay to watch because the last flick I saw had a 15 year old giving head…I know because I was her cheer coach and verified her birth, academic and immunization records…turned me right off, wasn’t willing to see a kid I treated like my own daughter be fucked by three guys…doesn’t turn me on..if it floats your boat..more power to ya..I’ll even fight for condom free choice as long as they keep the disease off set.

    I couldn’t give a flying fuck who doesn’t like who..doesn’t matter. Who likes who and who calls who out isn’t facts..it’s gossip…you want some juicy stories..go look at FSC Vienna Va and all the lawsuits filed nationwide by FSC against 2257, the five year fight against OSHA…APAP and the fine print as alternative to SOPA…that’s some real stuff..that’s the stuff that has enabled the Industry to keep on pretending gonorrhea and CT don’t exist…oops

    No on set transmission?

  11. @brooke

    Want some box tops for education? Get those kiddies still in school some neat gear…maybe condoms for the off days 🙂

  12. I dont much think Derek would call me a good friend nor I him. But ya cant just blame roving talent. I admit its a bad idea but the only thing that’ll really thwart this is condoms.

    As bad as I hate the idea of government mandating anything it is clear that we as an industry are not going to take measures to fix the STD issue so what is left to do. If we were smart we’d be shooting all condom if for nothing else to give the facade of responsibility.

    Resistant strains of many diseases are becoming more and more problematic not only STDs but other infections as well. Overmedicating, and self medicating have as much or more to do with it than anything else.
    And Brooke…that was AWESOME!

    As for Derek, I used to get a lot of girls complaining about him and his tactics, I havent had one now in two years he seems to have been trying to clean up his image, maybe his act as well, Lots of people bitch and moan about him or Speigler or whatever but LATATA certainly seems to have brought everyone together and cleaned things up a bit.

    Derek is now sole owner of Lee Network and thats the Vegas connection really, and it makes sense. Lots of feature dancers are vegas based.

    You have the the Kazoo trying to make a symphony out of a 3 note melody…but he isn’t really doing anything. On the other hand there are a few people doing a lot of work to change things in a positive manner from within and I prefer to bring fresh news like this story as opposed to beating the same dead horse day in and day out.

  13. That proposal to pay for testing with merchandise was too good…I hope the guy gets a seat so he can propose paying attorneys in merchandise that they can retail for monthly retainer.

  14. Oh and euro girls (and guys) coming here to shoot isnt something Derek invented it was happening WAY before Derek was even in the biz….Nacho Vidal, Rocco Siffredi, and TONS of girls have been coming here to shoot in porn valley since the days of erika bella, sylvia saint and nici sterling

  15. @God: I know you read this blog, so please make this not true. Nobody deserves to catch such horrible diseases. Especially our children who have somehow found themselves embroiled in an industry that cares very little about their welfare. Please let them recover and please do not allow this to happen to any more of our children ever again. Amen?

  16. @mike

    I agree with …”if we were smart”…just don’t like ideal of gov saying ONLY way. Industry as a whole has refused to self regulate…I’d hate to see that stop individual producers willing to do what it takes via testing, limiting, even excluding infectious OPIM …lose that.

    There are tons of dangerous naturally occurring hazardous substances…industries can and do find ways to ensure safety when it matters to them.

  17. What bad about your argument Mike is Derek was frist person bring euro girls in porn he has been last person stop doing so. Mike please explain who are these few people that have positive manner in porn indusrty??? Well so far no one from FSC. What proof do you have that they are doing any thing positive in porn indusrty. Please explain all good happen from all these unknow people that you state have made postive changes in porn indusrty??? Tell world how Derek help porn indusrty over Alex Gonz matter Mike. Explain how pedophilia funding raise for FSC gone make postive change in porn indusrty. Mike explain how this mess gone make porn indusrty better indusrty. Mike people have questions want now why there not get answers questions on subjects matter in porn. Mike time tell porn indusrty how LATATA make great changes porn indusrty yet indusrty keeps have disasters like above on LATATA watch. People common cent Mike start wonder if LATATA doing better job than FSC when is gone happen. After all Mike more people look in LATATA are not seeing any body make a postive change there they do see changes there not ones there happy about. I could give fuck about people opions do not care if FSC has pedophile funding it or that male porn star say he sorry that ok have working with dease that Deker was guy that supporting guy. I could give fuck about those people opions out side porn do not question what happen in becuase they do not know. There just clueless as porn stars living in denial about what happing to indusrty. I have said all gone say on my soap box all can debate manner how ever you chose.

  18. You like saying you “hate” the idea of government mandating and yet call for it pretty consistently. I don’t necessarily disagree with the idea of a shutdown and the resistant to antibiotics is scary. But, lets acknowledge, there are probably antibiotics they have yet to try. Let’s also not act like this is some crazy “porn” disease. 820,000 people in the USA contract this each year. That’s a big number. Maybe we need to start mandating condoms for everyone who ever has sex. We can’t let people make these choices about sex. Obviously, look what happens, 820,000 people, contract the thing that was so important you wrote a post about 2 people getting it. If 2 = mandate, what does 820,000 a year get us. Please don’t get me wrong. This is in no way good and it should be looked into. I’m not even against condoms, although I really wish it would come from performer choice. My point is that I think there is a climate among certain people including Mike that want to make every little story into a big deal. This is not a “porn” disease this is sexually active person disease. Let’s be honest, things can be bad like this, without it being some sort of game-changer. Mike, it is clear from the bias of your articles that you have an agenda. You are pushing for condoms, even through government mandate. I actually don’t believe in non-biased reporting and am fine with this stance. Be honest about it though, don’t preface with your dislike of mandates. You clearly don’t have that big of a problem with them. In conclusion, this is clearly completely bad, I just believe that there are levels or degrees to how bad something is. Lets not pretend 2 sexually active people getting Gonorrhea is a red alert. I’ll wait for more facts, but I think a shutdown could be a prudent and maybe good move. Unfortunate news for the industry.

  19. @Richard

    Derek hay was first to bring euro talent and last to stop? so no euros before 2000 when he showed up? And you’re sure no one else will dare bring a euro girl in on your watch? Good luck with that.

    Are you saying that because I’m not questioning the site hosts motives that I’m clueless?

    I take it kindly that he generously offers a forum to express my opinions, as a guest I don’t generally go to people’s parties and tell them what shitty hosts they are…it’s their party.

  20. LurkingReader this not party about porn indusrty it blog site. This family or bunch friends come together enjoy being with each other. I do not care if people where bring euro porn star in before Derek did I do care that euro porn star bring in now may caused this mess. I have right question person run this blog site on any subject that wish to. If person run blog site choses he has right ingor me or answer my questions. I have right criticize the person run blog site he has right tell me piss off if wants. I question any one motives on subject of indusrty that not part of LurkingReader not just your. I question any one state that have Alex Gonz, and the pedophile funding FSC is no big deal. I question motives of any person thinks these events mean nothing. I question why no one here can ask question that has importance to porn indusrty get answer from some one this kind issues well effect directly. No LurkingReader this not party with happy people express desire celebrate happy occasion or causes. I blog ask serious questions to serious event take place in porn indusrty. If have ruffle few feathers get answers or response from question than so be it. Unlike FSC like now where who my opion come from so do not have get them from pedophile.

  21. @eric-
    I think you’re taking this a bit too lightly. This isn’t about 2 performers getting infected. This performers getting infected with an STD that currently has NO cure. It’s not as if they just haven’t found the right antibiotics yet…

    There are no antibiotics to treat it! And what happens if you get an infection and there is nothing available to treat it? It spreads and can potentially kill you.
    It’s “technically” worse than HIV because at least there is medicine for HIV.

    Someone let me know if I’m wrong on this?

    Also, it’s also commonly known as Super Gonorrhea.
    I need to research a little because I’m not all that familiar with it, but I am familiar with treatment resistant medical issues and those are scary.

  22. I also know about MRSA which is an antibiotic resistant staph infection.

    I know people have died from that one. Doctor’s talk about it like it’s the plague.

    I’m not sure if they’ve made any advancements on it yet though?

  23. I would think the fact that it was reported to the CDC would indicate it’s something to take seriously?

    Also, who’s going to shut down filming in FL? The FSC can’t issue a moratorium on FL?
    Hope the state of FL is prepared to do it if need be?

  24. Actually not really, CDC gets reported these numbers so they have the statistics. About 350,000 cases get reported to them. I doubt that signals a serious issue.

  25. First off, my name is in my username all you have to do is copy and paste. Just FYI. You tried to lay out a factual and “technical” argument that this is worse than HIV and then asked “Someone let me know if I’m wrong on this?”. The worse than HIV thing certainly doesn’t pass the believability test and you don’t seem very sure of it. “Resistant” strains are scary, but just to be clear this is the “Bacteria-Antibiotic” relationship with any disease. The strain will always look to become resistant. Again not good, but literally 2 people. As I said, 820,000 a year. Having 2 sexually active people get it is bad in everyday, but could in no way be called an abnormality to the larger population. If the argument is that performers are are getting diseases at huge, outlandish rates this story doesn’t prove that. That was my point, not “Red Alert”/worst thing, just a bad thing. Hopefully more facts on this will flow in.

  26. @lacey and eric.

    Well sadly those with mrsa and now these super strains of gonorhea and clahmidia that the fda is behind the curve compared to other developed nations that defer drug regulation to WHO. Turns out there is good looking results using colloidal silver and these high power antibiotics together. For std it means pumping lots of coiddal silver into the urethra 4 times a day and then hold it in for several minutes in combination to drugs. You have to stay away from sex and take the treatment for a month or more. Girls it is up the vagina. Side effects are burnings as bad as thr illness or worse and discoloration of the application area. For the threat of lawsuits and complaints of pain don’t expect the fda to never approve that treatment. So plan to pay a lot for treatment and live abroad for several months where you can find an infectious disease doctor participating in the study.

    People in that 820, 000 a year worldwide don’t see one person having possible exposure to so many new partners in a 2 week basis as in porn. Part of yhe reason why

  27. When a drug resistant strain shows up in porn community it is a huge deal. Question is the 12 women from just the last clean test till the dirty test? Did they continue to work while in treatment this last month? Also I am shocked why diane duke hasn’t been quick to fire back that all exposed performers tested clean. Guess they retired from porn after their last test so their not relevant. How many second generation exposures where there? Diane being quiet is bad cause she is puckering hard knowing this facts.

    So mike who was the source you are usually goodat citing your sources.

  28. Please copy and paste the facts I gave correctly. It isn’t “820, 000 a year worldwide”, that number was for the US only. Spread can obviously can occur quicker in porn than in the general population. Also, your anecdote, while understood and well taken is not factual. Someone in the general population could have unprotected sex every night with a different women. A low end male porn performer might have scene or 2 in that time frame if he is lucky. Sure some of the upper tier do a scene a day, but not nearly the majority. I get your point though, can spread faster.

  29. I wouldn’t get all upset about this. I’m sure the FSC will soon inform us that this wasn’t a problem and there were no onset transmissions. Let’s not blow this out of proportion because this was obviously caught by people doing irresponsible things like reusing condoms. I’m sure doctors in France are working with James Deen’s STD resistant DNA as we speak to come up with vaccines for performers.

  30. Today it’s two…anyone expect FSC to pipe up before they know how bad THIS shit storm is gonna be? No matter how big a deal you think this is …if you or someone you care about tests pos for GC please ask them to culture when you start treatment that way they can get a jump on doing what needs to be done to stop this going any further than it has.

    Debating stats and degrees of bad wont protect anyone or save your paying scenes if this gets really ugly. I’m pretty confident that if asked actfmech could detail an ADEQUATE and PROMPT response by airlines whenever two birds show same issue of wear and tear…to rule out a much larger issue in the air. Sadly that isn’t the case here…this has potential to get real ugly..real fast and worse with people traveling for holiday…the potential for in/out industry collisions is significantly higher.

  31. @actfmech

    Duke been burned too much this past year to pipe up till she has handle on how bad this is gonna be…the more days that go by w/o statement will tell you how bad THIS go around will be. By Friday no statement you know this is bad..next Wednesday..you know the FU fights are big and bad about best way to handle yet another crisis.

  32. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/super-gonorrhea-drug-resistant-bugs-deemed-urgent-threat-cdc-article-1.1458729

    Maybeig I am wrong, but it appears that you are trying to insinuate that this is really not a big deal, and you are completely wrong. For the straight porn industry this is a disaster of biblicalproportions.
    The link here also explains how the OVER USE of antibiotics is a huge part in this, and the porn industry’s well known record of over using these medications is coming back to haunt them.

    This could be the defining moment for the current porn industry. How they react and what actions they take or dont take will be interresting to see. The actions of the government of the state of california will also be quite interesting.

    Perhaps this will be the event that a certain aids organization will use to challenge Governor Brown to appoint that special legislative committee to address these issues. And maybe County Health will step in and declare some type of emergency, and force OSHA to finially do its fucking job.

  33. And you can rest assured that the FSC/PASS will either deny any knowledge of this, or will cirlce the privacy wagons and declare that they are prohibited by law from talking about any specific patient. We have all seen how badly they handled HIV, syphilis, and Hep C, and now the industry is going to have to face the fact that resistant gonnoreah is here, in the midst of the porn industry.

    Lets see how much the industry cares about its performers.

    There must be amoratorium enacted until EVERY SINGLE PERFORMER who has worked in the last two months(at least) is tested.

    Time for Derek, and LATATA to step up and for once, do the right thing.

  34. There is such a thing as oral gonorhea, this is when someone gets gonorhea in their throat. If someone is only using condoms during sexual intercourse, they are still at risk for sexual diseases from oral sex. It is extremely unlikely that someone will get HIV from oral sex so the pro-condom advocates have a better argument for mandatory condoms for sexual intercourse when it comes to minimizing risk of people becoming HIV positive. Many of the pro-condom advocates ignore the fact that there are sexual diseases spread through oral sex. Both herpes simplex 1 and 2 are also spread by oral sex.

  35. @Jaimie,
    True, and there is also anal gonnoreah in addition to oral,and the industry does not make testing for it mandatory. The urine test only checks for vaginal, or penile disease. With all the oral and anal in virutally every scene it is a joke that the indsutry does not make this part of the mandatory testing(voluntary)\. And oral and anal gonnoreah can easily remain asymptomatic for long periods of time.

    The chickens have finally come home to roost in porn valley.

    Is this the final nail in the industry coffin? Will the state, and OSHA finally get off their asses?

  36. ERIK,
    You are very obviously very misinformed as to the danger of antibiotic resistant gonnoreah. Do yourself a favor and do a quick google search on the subject. You are entitled to your opinion of course, but when you base that opinion on WRONG FACTS you do more harm than good. This is a VERY SERIOUS situation, this is not regular old gonnoreah, it is something very new and very dangerous. THese are among the first confimed cases in North America. Your compairisons to regualr old gonnoreah are completely disingenuous, you are comparing apples to oranges, or better yet, apples to Volkswagons.

  37. Well Jamie and jilted oral gonorrhea from what I have been told feels like the worst strep throat on the world. I would not know about anal gonorrhea for symptoms, but it wouldn’t be good. I love the comment about reusing condoms, but a good soak in pure boiling rubbing alcohol between uses will help.

    also I am sure James Dean will happily spend months in France being the guinnea pig for the treatment just in case he picked up something for all east coast college students and house wives he has blessed with his amateur first porn experiences.

    This antibiotic resistant strains are scary to me and the volumes of new infections in this country. I know a male player when he pisses razor blades will make it into the doctors to get tested or treated. females can be infected longer and not realize it. the whole player that picks up a different girl everyday with herpes or aids is the guy that really spreads the disease the worst.

  38. Where are people getting these statistics from?? I can’t even find the statistics on the CDC website..

    The 820,000 number refers to plain old gonorrhea.
    This ISN’T even close to plain old gonorrhea.

    I don’t even see statistics on the CDC website for treatment-resistant gonorrhea?
    The only stats I could find were from 2011 that stated somewhere around 3,200 cases reported.

    Also, it causes death from diarrhea. I swear. It sounds ridiculous, but from what I’ve read so far is that it causes diarrhea that is so severe it has the potential to put you into septic shock which can be lethal.

    That’s just crazy. Eek.

  39. Thank you lacey for digging up the real new infectuons in the states. Looks like some erik likes to add zeros to the numbers to his numbers to feel bigger. To bad the real ladies when the discover when he comes in short they let others know it..

    I am hear the cases are confirmed and now for pass fsc latata to encourage those who are burning down there to retire then get tested so the head count doesn’t get higher and it can stay off set set and limited to those already identified.

    Glad I am I’m indiana and in a comitted and exclusive relationship. Because I am afraid of what florida single women need to worry and so due the men.

    On the note of anal gonorhea I am really sure u will know it when u get it. I know how when on high dose antibiotics when I get bad sinus infections or bronchitis tends to lead to the same symptoms when all the good bacteria in the gut get killed by the antibiotics. Poor anal infected are running both sick and while on meds. My sympathies to those poor girls or guys. But I don’t see a need for a throat swab or stool sample every 2 weeks like one commenter stated. Looks like the performers will know something is wrong and head to a doctor or clinic and quick to figure out why.

  40. I am willing to bet that the FSC has some form of office poll where everyone puts in 20 bucks and whoever picks the number of those infected from each outbreak gets the pot. If they try to blow this off it will be sickening.

  41. It is serious, but now your facts are wrong. There were 9 cases confirmed at just a single Toronto clinic nearly a year ago, these are not among the first confirmed cases. It is definitely serious, although we now have people saying this report is false. We will see.

  42. The Free Speech Coalition today said that claims by an adult industry blogger of an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea circulating among the performer community is untrue.

    The adult entertainment trade group made the statement in reaction to a story posted on MikeSouth.com that claimed there are two cases of antibiotic resistant gonorrhea in the industry.

    “Rumors of an antibiotic-resistant strain of gonorrhea in the adult performer population are untrue and unfounded,” FSC CEO Diane Duke said. “No such cases exist in the active tested performer population, according to doctors at each of the testing facilities.

    “That said, as always, we encourage people to vigilant in their personal lives, and to report any concerns to Free Speech Coalition or an affiliated testing facility.”

    The antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, a diarrhea-causing “superbug,” was classified this month as an urgent public-health threats by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirths, severe eye infections in babies and infertility in men and women.

    According to a new report by CDC, at least 2 million people in the U.S. develop serious bacterial infections that are resistant to one or more types of antibiotics each year.


  43. Kelli, this is just conjecture at this point but is it possible that Ms. UK Bluebird chick infected some of the US talent she worked with with gonorrhea and that it was the resistant type known to be floating around Europe at the present time (different from the resistant version that the US has been dealing with for a while now)? If so she could have caused a calamity for the US where doctors haven’t ever seen that particular strain and don’t know how to treat it. This is good info Kelli, you may want to call the CDC with it as Ms. UK Bluebird may have infected our first patients with that particular strain.

  44. James Deen has been lucky to not have been infected with VD but I don’t believe that his DNA is resistant to it. Also (this is part conjecture), James has enough pull to require a 3-4 day old test instead of a 14-28 day one. I don’t know if that is the situation here but it is possible and Belladonna before him did it. If a test is 3 days old the possibility of a person getting VD in the meantime is less than with a 14 day old test. James also does most of his scenes for Kink.com with some being non-sex scenes (involving whipping, caning, bondage, etc.) so his risk on a per-scene basis is reduced. That (and the unique skill set required of a Kink performer) also gives him enough pull at Kink to require more frequent testing if he chose to require it. Also, most non-Kink scenes he does is for his own site where he makes the rules so he could require more frequent testing there as well.

  45. Acftmech et. al., no one is reusing condoms. The damn things are 80 cents each at Wal-Mart (as low as 20 cents each in bulk), it isn’t worth the risk to attempt to reuse them. This super clap is scary but the reusing condoms bit is asinine.

  46. @MHarris –
    James Deen has fucked almost the entire state of CA at this point. That doesn’t even include all over the rest of the world… Do you honestly believe he has never had an STD? No fucking way.

    You know, I’ve never had a cold. Ever.
    Now, prove me wrong.
    Oh, you can’t?
    Well, just trust me. I’ve never had a cold or a headache either…

    Are you picking up on my sarcasm yet? 😉

    It’s nice to hear he may have the ability to have his partners tested 2-3 days before a scene.
    How nice that his health is more important than those other dirty skanky whores who get tested every 28 days…

    Nothing like fighting against condoms when you have your partners getting tested 2 days before a scene. No wonder he’s opposed to condoms. How fucking convenient.

  47. @mharis

    When I made that statement about sterilizing condoms it was me being fesicuous about how ignorant and cheap producers, production companies, and FSC are in their retoric about paying for testing and condom usage. If they paid to have everyone going tobe shot on set 3 days prior then then all onset risks go down. If they mandate condom use then the risk of them losing a workers comp claim for a performer getting an std that can’t be currd and they get stuck for paying 100% of meds drops significantly. So in your own words you go and pay $.80 per condom sure seems more cost effective than maybe 10 grand in atty fees fighting a workers comp claim and winning or mayne 100 Grand for meds over the remainder of the performers life plus lost income from him or her never being able to work again.

    FSC is stupid to fight like this. I must admit Steve Hirsch was smart and ounce of prevention now is well worth saving you a ton n of pain later.

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