Majority of kids identifying as trans later identify as gay instead

Science and empirical study highlight faulty statistics casting grave doubt upon the wisdom of rushing ‘trans kids’ into surgeries

News and commentary from the fascinating science of sex, by Dr. James Cantor

The National Post recently covered the CBC’s cancellation of a BBC documentary about transgender children entitled, Transgender Kids: Who Knows Best? (see: Why CBC cancelled a BBC documentary that activists claimed was ‘transphobic’).

[Spoiler alert: once again philosophical or scientific criticism = bigotry. The controversial BBC documentary questions what is the right approach for children with gender dysphoria, a condition in which a person’s physical or assigned gender conflicts with the gender with which they identify.  Said one critic, “The documentary spreads misinformation and includes problematic ‘experts’” . . . because it does not simply toe the current LGBTQ political line. Instead, the documentary is based upon science, and, possibly even worse, it is balanced with varying viewpoints. To fanatics, there can be only one valid interpretation of data, and only one truth: that which is approved by the politically dominant orthodoxy.  All else is heresy which must be censored and stamped out.]

In its coverage, the Post shared claims made by some activists criticizing some scientific studies, but did not apparently fact-check those claims, so I thought I would outline the studies here.  For reference, in a previous post, I listed the results of every study that ever followed up transgender kids to see how they felt in adulthood (Do trans- kids stay trans- when they grow up?).  There are 12 such studies in all, and they all came to the very same conclusion: The majority of kids cease to feel transgender when they get older.

Addressing the criticisms

The Post conveyed criticisms alleged about two of those:  “One study of Dutch children, in particular, assumed that subjects had ‘desisted’ purely because they stopped showing up to a gender identity clinic.”  Although unnamed, the claim appears to be referring to Steensma et al. (2013), which followed up on 127 transgender kids.  Of them: 47 said they were still transgender; 56 said they were no longer transgender (46 said so directly, 6 said so via their parents, and 4 more said so despite not participating in other aspects of the study); and 24 did not respond to the invitation to participate in the study or could not be located.  Because all the medical services for transition are free in the Netherlands and because there is only one clinic providing those services, the researchers were able to check that none of the 24 had actually transitioned despite having the opportunity to do so.  Steensma therefore reported that (80/127 =) 63% of the cases desisted.  The alleged criticism is that one should not assume that the 24 who did not respond or could not be found were desisters.  Regardless of whether one agrees with that, the irrelevance of claim is clearly seen simply by taking it to its own conclusion: When one excludes these 24, one simply finds a desistance rate of (56/103 =) 54% instead of 63%.  That is, although numerically lower, it nonetheless supports the very same conclusion as before. The majority of trans kids cease to feel transgender when they get older.

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Majority of kids identifying as trans later identify as gay instead

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