Trinity St. Clair Now Using Sunshine Angels and SexyJobs to Exploit and Betray Vulnerable Sex Workers

Trinity St. Clair, the madam with more aliases than teeth, strikes again with yet another “elite” escort agency website: Sunshine Angels.

It was just over one year ago that I wrote: “It both infuriates and saddens me to see vulnerable sex workers preyed upon, manipulated, and screwed over by exploitive booking agents, and Trinity St. Clair is one of the worst offenders.”

The point of that post was that it is unwise for sex workers to rely on a booker who is also competing with them in the same market because at a minimum that situation creates, even among honest bookers, a “perverse incentive” to take jobs from the sex workers they represent.

The scam

Trinity St. Clair in a 2013 mugshot


St. Clair, a scammer, liarshoplifter and cheese thief tied to dodgy outfits such as Porn Companions, GFE Dating and Porn Star Assistant, will be immediately familiar to readers of this site.

Famous for her bait and switch scams, she’ll go sometimes go out on the road with an escort she is booking during their tour. When a high-dollar booking comes in for that escort, Trinity (using a false name at the the other end of emails or text messages) takes the deposit and confirms the date.

Then, sometime later, Trinity tells the client that the escort of their choice is not available (or has flaked, or has a drug problem, or was arrested, or was beaten up by her pimp boyfriend) — but offers the legendary Trinity St. Clair as a replacement!

Wow, lucky guy!

In effect, Trinity (who is almost never home in L.A. these days) uses these desperate vulnerable sex workers as bait in her churn and burn operation.

The girls go home broke, and vow to never work for Trinity again. So, Trinity picks up some new girls and fills their heads with promises of huge paydays if they sign with her.

Rinse, repeat.

Sunshine Angels

A little over six months ago, sex worker Jessica Rex encountered a company called Sunshine Angels on the website SexyJobs.

Trinity St. Clair Now Using Sunshine Angels and SexyJobs to Exploit and Betray Vulnerable Sex Workers

Rex had no idea she was dealing with Trinity St Clair. “I didn’t know it was her and got fooled,” Rex said.

There were problems from the outset.

Rex says that St Clair posted a rate for Rex that was too high “and would refuse to lower it.”

“I was looking at my ads today on Sunshine Angels and Eros, which [was placed] by her, and she never added pictures or put the bio or rate I wanted,” Rex told me. “And I NEVER work, so I asked her to take it down. She said no and that I have to reimburse her for my own ad to come down.”

To Rex, the idea that she should have to a pay for defective and ineffective ad that St Clair refused to correct “makes no sense”.

She is correct of course.

Trinity St. Clair Now Using Sunshine Angels and SexyJobs to Exploit and Betray Vulnerable Sex Workers


“Then I learned that she’s taking clients for herself that requested me, saying I’m not available. And now Trinity isn’t replying to me at all, and my ad is still up on both sites.”

Naturally, so that Rex can be used a a lure, in order to data mine more potential clients for Trinity.

Trinity St. Clair Now Using Sunshine Angels and SexyJobs to Exploit and Betray Vulnerable Sex Workers

Rex had also recommend a sex worker friend to Sunshine Angels. “She has been getting no bookings as well.”

Strikingly, her friend “left Porn Companions because of Trinity, but didn’t know Trinity also runs this one as well.”

Rex days she came forward because she wants the information about how awful Trinity Str Clair is to be available to “new and vulnerable talent” who might be tricked by her.

Jessica Rex PHOTO: Twitter


Remember, ladies, never trust a booker who is competing with you in the same market. It simply doesn’t make sense.

And if your booker has to keep coming up with new company names like Sunshine Angels, and new email addresses, the way Trinity St. Clair does, it’s because she has burned clients (for instance, the girl never shows up, but she keeps the deposit) as well as sex workers.

St. Clair’s churn and burn schemes will not squander any ‘good will’ she may have cultivated from clients — and your association with her might even rub off on you, causing your own bookings to suffer.  BEWARE.

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Trinity St. Clair Now Using Sunshine Angels and SexyJobs to Exploit and Betray Vulnerable Sex Workers

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One Response

  1. Does anyone know if is another escort site of Trinity St. Clair’s?

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