Someone Named Tony G Posing As O C Modeling and Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

One of the problems with adult job sites is that anyone can join and pretend to someone they aren’t.  Most porn girls are listed on one called sexyjobs and Jenna Ashley got this solicitation.


OC Modeling claims they have no employee named Tony G and that this is not even their account.  The only Tony G in porn works for PornPros and there is some speculation that it was him recruiting for Gregg Dodson but there’s nothing to prove that to be correct.  When it comes to sites like this girls should be extra careful because as in the case of this one, anyone can pretend to be legit.

119860cookie-checkSomeone Named Tony G Posing As O C Modeling and Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

Someone Named Tony G Posing As O C Modeling and Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

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4 Responses

  1. This is the exact problem I have encountered on the sexyjobs site and a couple of other similar ones. Any cute girl who puts up a profile, gets totally bombarded with offers from agent wannabes or total fraudulent agents spewing lines of bs about high pay rates, travel, stardom, etc etc. Legit offers at realistic rates from amateur producers such as myself are lost in the shuffle of bullshit.

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