PornPros Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

 I got more than one email similar to this.
When I  read that Porn Pros was related to this, it reminded me of something that happened to me when I first started in the industry. About 5 years ago, I was booked a shoot with pornpros. When I got there, all the girls were waiting before we were driven to the scene location. I got pulled to the side and asked if I wanted to make extra money real quick upstairs (insinuating for me to suck some guy’s dick up there), they said one of the higher ups saw me on the cameras in the building and wanted to have me real quick before the scene. They got one of the assistants to tell me this! I said no, because my agent (La Direct) told me not to shoot or do anything on a set that you were not booked for. So, I followed the rules and declined. Surprisingly, I was never booked for PornPros ever again…lol.
I like to remain anonymous, but thought this was something more girls need to be aware of. I have never had a porn company ask me to do something like that before. Its normal to have directors hit on girls, but I never experience being propositioned before a scene before. I know us girls are sluts, but when Im on set, the only person I want to fuck is who I was hired to fuck. I like to keep it professional with out getting into more drama.
Good for you and good for you for following your agents rules   !

Girls beware of Pornpros and Tony G and Gregg Dodson, I’ve had a lot of info coming in in the last 24 hrs about them, Seems Gregg decided to clear his house of the girls living there when this story broke.  Sooner or later he IS going to get popped most likely.

An Update

I have been contacted by the owner of PornPros through a third party and expect an update on this tonight.  he is concerned that someone in his business may be doing this and wants to find out who it is and put a stop to it.  I will post as soon as I speak with him.

119890cookie-checkPornPros Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

PornPros Soliciting Girls To Prostitute

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11 Responses

  1. There seems to be no end to rotten douchebags in the porn industry. All of them ready to fuck over the talent and then discard them when they are all used up.

  2. @Karmafan WTF are you talking about? So what the girls get asked if they want to make some quick extra money doing a private. I don’t see the big deal in that.

  3. Not all the girls escort. I’m sure many do but not all. The ones that don’t escort are insulted when they get treated like they are a hooker on the street.

  4. I would love to have Mike fuck me up the ass. Or maybe Donny Long with that big dick of his.
    “Devilman gets his” a production. Or maybe just you Matthew Harris, or even Rob Black…lol

  5. Sorry Ari, I only fuck kinky women. If indeed this is the Ari Bass we have been talking about today you really don’t have a clue what I look like. Let’s just say I am not your type. Of course this probably isn’t that Ari, one thing I haven’t heard from trustworthy sources is him being gay.

    Of course if Peter Acworth is reading I am available to direct Sex and Submission and Everything Butt. I understand the former director of those sites has left Kink and I am available to take them over for the right price (it costs a lot of money to move to Marin and even more to live there). If I could cast Madeline and Lorelei getting tied up, ass fucked and dominated by three guys with large dicks for my first scene as director it would be all the better. I would also be willing to fill in as special guest director for Divine Bitches and give Ari that “Devil Man Gets His” scene with his wife Christina in a starring role as a dom. 🙂

  6. I think prostitution should be legal and regulated appropriately. However, if someone from any porn production company is propositioning talent to fuck an executive before a legitimate scene there could be an implied “you fuck me or you won’t work for this company ever again” issue. The fact that this lady was not employed by Porn Pros again after declining to fuck the executive for the company is concerning (although from what is written itself I cannot make the jump to an outright accusation of this behavior). It should be the person’s informed and un-pressured choice whether to participate in what is by all yardsticks an executive using his company as an unofficial escort service. My advice is if executives wish to fuck porn chickies they should make themselves talent and fuck them above-board (as Peter Acworth did before he knocked up that Irish chick and married her). I hope the chick that was propositioned by the Porn Pros exec told Derek about what happened so he could refuse to send Porn Pros his talent in the future.

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