looking for Tony Everready, it seems Tony is wanted again for beating up his “hoodrat” girlfriend. It names her as Michele something or other. Well leave it to ole Mike South to know who Michele Something or other is! It’s actually Michele Raven, a girl I shot before she moved to Porn Valley to become Tony’s punching bag. I always liked Michele, still do, she is a cool chick, why she would hole up with this loser is a mystery to me. Anyway, here’s a pic of Michele.
Click photo for full sized picture
As for Tony, who is no stranger to a jail cell for this sort of thing, You give guys a bad name man, get your shit right and stop acting a damn fool. As Oscar Acosta said “It Ain’t Cool Being in the Cooler.” Word to Michelle, get this scum out of your life you are a bright and funny girl and you deserve a lot better.
That’s it for now, If you wanna see last weeks update it’s now in the archives!