Breaking, The FSC Is Claiming That The FBI Notified Them That Porn Sites Have Been Hacked, It Is A SCAM!

According to a story on a WAY lesser site (XBiz) the FBI notified The FSC of a person who has hacked and posted 25 adult site rips to torrent sites.

The pitch is that if you are a member of The FSC they will tell you if you are one of the 25, if not then they say you can pay your own lawyer or join The FSC. What a sleazy come on.

In my opinion, This is a pathetic attempt by Jeffery Douglas and The FSC to get money and that is all it is. First I contacted The FBI here in Atlanta where I spoke with an agent who said that is not how The FBI operates, they would notify the site owners based on the 2257 info or the site registration info

Second if any such information about a hack does exist you may call your local FBI office and get it for free and if there is an active investigation they will tell you how to proceed should you wish to help.

Finally lets be honest here, ( a refreshing change from The FSC and the POORLY researched article by XBiz) if you are making porn, it is being stolen and uploaded to file lockers and torrent sites, so assume you are on that list. If it even exists. There are services like takedownpiracy and removeyourcontent that do a good job of finding and DMCA’ing people stealing your content, they do a FAR better job than the FSC and their failed attempt to extort you.

Do not fall for this, this is shameful and I would even think, beneath The FSC but I guess nothing is beneath them.

138330cookie-checkBreaking, The FSC Is Claiming That The FBI Notified Them That Porn Sites Have Been Hacked, It Is A SCAM!

Breaking, The FSC Is Claiming That The FBI Notified Them That Porn Sites Have Been Hacked, It Is A SCAM!

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8 Responses

  1. Exactly my thoughts when i read it earlier. Over here that claim would be immediately classified as fraud, if somebody anted to dig deeper. You can’t sell police reports. Either they are classified or they are not. If they are classified, you commit a felony to disclose them. If they are not and they are public, you are not allowed to charge people giving them the impression that they can access them only through you. How can these people still be in biz?

  2. exactly Sabrina, this is beyond shameful and just goes to show how untrustworthy and scummy The FSC really is. I hope the few good people in that org (there are some believe it or not) publicly step down and refuse to associate with them

  3. Eh…we always hope that, but they never do, neither in that organization nor in others. Why it’s beyond me. It reminds the moderate Islam: they are all good people, but they never say a public strong word against the bad ones. Not meaning to turn it into politics. Just a thought. If they only knew how good it feels to feel and be free to express your own opinion and don’t give a flying fcuk about alleged repercussions on your profession…on a long term it’s the only kind of behavior that pays. Good people working for the FSC (and not only): wake up!

  4. I was hoping with new leadership the Fucking Shyster Cabal would wise up and go on the straight and narrow but I see I was wrong. Eric Paul Leue must have took training from former CEO Diane Duke, this sounds like something she would have and has in the past thought up. I guess the other option is that Jeffrey Douglas actually runs things day-to-day at the Fucking Shyster Cabal and Diane and Eric was/is just a figurehead to cover for Jeffrey (and in Diane’s case receiving some “carnal knowledge”, I doubt he is fucking Eric but I guess stranger things have happened and my understanding is Eric is gay).

  5. Why would the FBI reach out to FSC instead of the site registrar, server host, payment processor or whoa ….how about the registered 2257 holder or DMCA agent?

    If the FBI did send FSC a notice about hacked sites… it defies reason they released the actual site names given the massive liabilities that would create.

  6. I’m glad you mentioned this. I was like wtf?! The only way to find out if your shit was hacked is to join the FSC? Are you kidding me?!! Such bullshit. And go figure Sean Tompkins is spreading this shit. What an fucktard.

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